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Overcoming Dissertation Writing Challenges: Student’s Ultimate Guide

Dissertation projects are one of the most prominent and influential forms of academic writing. But in many student’s academic journeys, it stands as a nemesis. It’s no surprise that most learners find it intimidating.

It requires months of dedication, effort, and navigational skills and often entails high stakes. Yet it all comes together if you have the right kind of guide, like the one you’re reading with you.

In this detailed guide, you’ll explore the following:

  • The purpose of this writing
  • Types of Dissertation Writing
  • How to compose one?
  • How to structure, format, or present a dissertation
  • Dissertation vs other forms of academic writing

What is Dissertation Writing?

Dissertation writing is composing a paper at the end of your academic year. This extensive and independent research project requires students to explore an original topic within their major.

A dissertation sets the stage for learners to showcase their skills, including logical and critical thinking, research abilities, and result presentation. This composition entails diving deep into a specific subject. Moreover, it aims to contribute new insights or advancements to the existing knowledge in that field.

Purpose of a Dissertation: Why Do We Write One?

When it comes to dissertation writing, learners usually have two outlooks. Some think it’s an enjoyable and meaningful practice, and others think it is pointless and exhausting. Addressing the latter group, we’ll point to some of the prominent purposes of a dissertation. 

The Vocab Workout

Writing a dissertation involves compiling complex information into a coherent and structured form. It requires the author to present their findings, arguments, and even ideas clearly and concisely.

Once the students start producing drafts for their dissertations, they are polishing these skills. It strengthens their written communication skills, allowing them to communicate their research to a wider audience effectively.

A Scholar Indeed

The students of higher educational programs are scholars in the making. One purpose of a dissertation is to strengthen understanding of their major. It allows them to delve into their chosen subject area and become experts in their field.

Through the research process, students comprehensively understand relevant theories, concepts, and methodologies.

Lets Your Sherlock Shine Through

Dissertation writing requires students to design and conduct independent research. It involves data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which enhances their research skills. Students gain valuable experience gathering and analyzing data, conducting experiments, interviews, or surveys, and drawing meaningful conclusions.

A Step Ahead

One of the purposes of a dissertation is to induce a habit of planning. When it’s time to compose such a project, the students usually start planning things ahead of time. 

They create well-structured timelines, stick to deadlines, and manage their time effectively. This cultivates crucial time management skills, which are essential in both academic and professional environments.

Enhances critical thinking skills

Dissertation writing encourages students to critically analyze existing literature, identify research gaps, and formulate research questions. It boosts the development of critical thinking skills, enabling students to evaluate different perspectives and contribute to scholarly debates.

Now, you might wonder how one assignment can achieve many purposes. The answer lies in understanding different types of dissertation writing.

Types of Dissertation Writing

There are various types of dissertations that grad students are required to complete, depending on their field of education and research interests. Below are some of the common types of dissertation writing:

Narrative Dissertations

Narrative dissertations are typically written in a narrative or story-like format. They often present the author’s personal experiences, reflections, and observations.

An example of a narrative dissertation is writing about the journey of a first-generation college student from a low-income family.

Theoretical Dissertations

Theoretical dissertations involve developing and testing new theoretical frameworks, models, or concepts within a particular field.

An example of a theoretical dissertation could be developing a new theoretical framework for analyzing the impact of climate change on developing nations.

Systematic Literature Review Dissertations:

Systematic literature review dissertations involve a thorough and systematic review of existing literature related to a specific research topic. The review process involves analyzing and synthesizing multiple sources to identify trends, gaps, and areas needing further research.

An example of this type of dissertation could be analyzing the effectiveness of e-learning programs in higher education.

Empirical Dissertations:

These dissertations involve collecting and analyzing original data through experiments, surveys, or interviews.

An example of an empirical dissertation could be studying the effectiveness of a new medication on a specific group of patients.

Non-empirical dissertations:

Unlike empirical dissertations, non-empirical dissertations do not involve primary research. Instead, they critically analyze existing literature, providing a new perspective on an established topic.

An example of a non-empirical dissertation could be analyzing the portrayal of gender roles in classic literature.

Learning these types of dissertation might have given you a clue on how this assignment can polish your critical skills.

How to Write a Dissertation? A Step-by-Step Procedure

Most students dislike dissertation writing solely due to its lengthy composition process. But breaking this task into efficiently chewable sizes can make it much more achievable. The following steps will make this process more approachable from start to finish.

Step 1: Choose Your Research Topic

Before writing a dissertation you require a research topic that aligns with your major and academic interests. Ensure it is specific, researchable, and significant within your field. This step is key as it sets the foundation for your entire dissertation.

For example, some of the relatable and popular topics among students these days are;

  • Impacts of Social Media
  • Environmental Crisis
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Mental Health
  • Gender Studies
  • Equal Rights for All Humans

Step 2: Gathering of Pre-existing Literature

Can you imagine writing 1000 words on a topic you’re not familiar enough with? That’s not logically possible because you need to gain appropriate knowledge of the subject. Hence, gaining a deeper understanding of your research paper’s previous and current knowledge is crucial. This helps you pinpoint the gaps in the existing research and position your research within the broader academic context.

For example:

Suppose you’re writing research benefits on a cheap assignment help platform for grad students. You’ll read the existing literature, student feedback, their success stories, and previously done research. You’ll examine the relationship between help and student success.

Step 3: Developing a Research Proposal

Before jumping into the dissertation, you must start with your research proposal. This document will outline your objective, research questions, methodology, and expected results. Remember, you must follow this blueprint of your dissertation once your advisor approves it. 

To illustrate:

Object: Finding effects of social media

Research Questions: “how does social media usage affect the mental health of young adults?”

Methodology: Surveys and interviews

Expected outcomes: “identifying the negative effects and potential strategies for mitigating them.”

Step 4: Formulate a Research Methodology

Every research needs a channel through which it can be conducted. Determine the suitable research methodology for your subject. It can include empirical data collection, literature review, or theoretical analysis. Make sure you choose the methodology that aligns with your research question and objectives. 

To showcase: 

Suppose you’re trying to research the benefits of cheap assignment service platforms. You can conduct interviews with students and faculty or opt for a survey.

Step 5: Data Collection and Analysis

Design and implement a data collection process if your dissertation requires empirical data. This may involve experiments, surveys, interviews, or other methods. Analyze your data using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques.

Step 6: Systemize Finding 

You need to create a complete structure for your dissertation that is easily comprehensible for your reader. You need to include chapters, sections, and subheadings. Organize your findings and present them logically and coherently. Ensure to support your findings with ample evidence from your research. 

Step 7: Compose Introduction and Literature Review

Proper presentation and logical flow require you to start your dissertation paper with an introduction and offer useful background information.

Furthermore, you can state your goals and provide a summary of the significant points you’re going to discuss. Follow this with a comprehensive literature review to establish the context and significance of your study.

Step 8: Display Your Methodology and Results

The next step of dissertation writing involves describing your research methodology. This is a detailed explanation of how you have collected and analyzed your data.

After that, you’ll need to present your results without any bias. Try to incorporate tables, graphs, and other visual aids where necessary.

Step 9: Discussion and Final Bow

Moving toward the final stages of your dissertation writing, you’ll need to discuss your findings. In this stage, you’ll explain the implications of your research and how it contributes to the existing body of literature.

Amplify the connection between your research question and findings. This will help establish if your findings support or challenge the existing perspectives. Moreover, you’ll summarize your pain points in the conclusion section.

You’ll also highlight the significance of your work along with its limitations. Finally, you’ll close with recommendations about your research and potential areas of further exploration.

By tracing these steps, you can effectively write a dissertation demonstrating your skills and contributing to your field of study.

How to Structure a Dissertation: A Guide to Stay Organized

Writing an accurate structure for the dissertation may depend on many factors, such as your topic, major, and writing approach. A well-structured dissertation is coherent, clear, and presents your findings systematically. Here is a general structure a dissertation paper should follow.

Research Proposal

As mentioned, a research proposal sets the foundation for your dissertation paper. It maps out your research goals, questions, methodology, and expected outcomes. It guides your study and helps you gain the approval of your instructor.


” To investigate the impact of mindfulness meditation on reducing stress levels among college students.

Research Questions:

  1. Does regular mindfulness meditation practice decrease self-reported stress levels?
  2. Are there any gender differences in the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation on stress reduction? 


An introduction is the most impactful in its simplest form. Your introduction must introduce your topic clearly to the reader. Moreover, it must offer some background information for context and state the purpose of your study.


Introduction to the stress reduction study:

“College students often face high levels of stress due to academic and personal demands. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation as a potential intervention for reducing stress levels among college students.

Literature Review

The literature review critically examines existing research related to your topic. It identifies gaps, establishes the theoretical framework, and supports the need for your study. It demonstrates your understanding of the current state of knowledge in your field.

For instance:

For the stress reduction study, the literature review would discuss previous studies on mindfulness meditation, stress reduction interventions, and the impact of stress on college students’ mental health.” 


The methodology explains the research design, data analysis techniques, and data collection methods used in your study. This section should provide enough detail for others to replicate your study.


Methodology for the stress reduction study:

  • Research Design: Experimental design with a control group and an intervention group
  • Data Collection: Pre and post-intervention surveys to measure stress levels, mindfulness practices, and demographic information
  • Data Analysis: Statistical analysis (t-tests, ANOVA) to compare stress levels between the intervention and control groups.” 

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Results and Discussion

The Results section presents the findings of your study, including data analysis and any statistical outcomes. The Discussion section interprets the results, relates them to the research questions, and discusses their significance and implications.

A sample:

“Results and Discussion for the stress reduction study:

The findings indicate a significant reduction in self-reported stress levels among the participants who practiced mindfulness meditation regularly. These results support the hypothesis that mindfulness meditation is an effective intervention for stress reduction among college students.”

Conclusions and Extra Sections

The structure of a dissertation is incomplete without a conclusion. It summarizes your key findings, restates your objectives, and offers a final study analysis. You can add sections like recommendations or appendices according to your research requirements. 

A model:

“Conclusion for the stress reduction study:

“In conclusion, this study demonstrates that mindfulness meditation can be an effective strategy for reducing stress levels among college students. Further research is recommended to explore the long-term effects of mindfulness meditation on mental health and academic performance.”

Remember, the structure of dissertation may vary slightly based on your research topic, major, or academic discipline. So, dedicate a certain time to planning out your dissertation structure. If you require, seek assistance from your professors or field professionals.

Formatting and Presentation of Dissertation Writing

The thing about lengthy papers is that they should appear engaging. The format and presentation of dissertation play a huge role in impacting readers.

They set a pattern that ensures coherence, making it easier for the audience to navigate through your document. Sticking to these formatting guidelines offers many benefits to the writers, including:

  • Professionalism Following formatting guidelines showcases professionalism and adherence to academic standards. It shows that you have taken the time and effort to present your research consistently and organized.

  • Readability By sticking to specific formatting guidelines, you enhance the readability of your dissertation. Consistent font type, font size, and line spacing make your document easy to read and understand.

  • Organization Formatting guidelines provide a clear structure for your dissertation. They help you organize your thoughts, ideas, and arguments logically. This helps people understand your work. 

Standard Formatting Features and Their Importance

Here are some of the crucial factors that you require for format and presentation of dissertation writing.

Title Page

The title page of your work answers the following questions for the reader: 

  • What is this paper about? (the title) 
  • Who composed it? (your name) 
  • Which institute published this paper? (the name of your institute) 

Furthermore, it also includes the name of your degree program and submission date. It is the first page of your dissertation and sets the tone for the rest of the assignment.

Margins, Fonts and Spacing

Consistent margins, font style, font size, and spacing contribute to your dissertation’s overall appearance and readability. Different institutions may have specific requirements for these elements. Thus, it is vital to consult the guidelines provided by your institution.

Heading and Subheadings

Properly formatted headings and subheadings help to organize your dissertation into logical sections and improve readability. They create a hierarchy that guides readers through your content and allows them to navigate different chapters and sections easily.

Critical Role of References and Citations in Dissertation Writing

Another key aspect of influential dissertation writing entails citations and references. These aspects of academic writing serve multiple purposes, including: 

  • Acknowledging Sources To Properly cite references in a dissertation is to credit the original researchers and acknowledge their contributions. It demonstrates intellectual honesty and integrity by avoiding plagiarism.

  • Enabling Further Research Citing relevant sources increases the credibility and reliability of your dissertation. It shows that your research is based on existing knowledge and supported by reputable sources.

  • Building Credibility References provide a trail for interested readers to explore the topic further, supporting their research and contributing to the growth of knowledge within the field.

Different Citation Styles and When to Use Them

You can use various formatting styles to cite references in a dissertation. Some of the most prominent styles include APA, AMA, and Chicago. Each of these styles has its own set of guidelines and rules. The choice of citation style depends on your institution’s requirements and the discipline of study.

For example:

  • APA: Often used in social sciences, education, and psychology.
  • MLA: Commonly used in humanities and literature.
  • Chicago: Typically used in history, social sciences, and fine arts.

It is essential to consider the specific guidelines for your chosen citation style to format your in-text citations and reference lists accurately.

10 Popular Dissertation Writing Topics

How is a Dissertation Unique?

Dissertation writing is unique among other forms of academic composition primarily due to its length and originality. However, these forms of writing stand out in various ways. You can observe these stark differences in the table below.

Dissertation vs. Other Forms of Writing
Aspects Dissertation Essays Research Papers Reports 
Length Spans around 100-200 pages Normally 2-5 pages Varies on grade level. (generally 7-10 pages)usually 10-20 pages 
Depth of Research Original and extensive research is conducted Research limited to a few stepsFocused research Limited research 
Purpose To contribute to existing knowledge, exhibit expertise in researchTo provide an argument or opinion based on existing knowledgeTo present analytical findings based on researchTo provide information about a topic, process, or event
Audience Academic community, field expertsGeneral audience, instructorAcademic audience, peersSpecific audience, supervisor, or stakeholders
Structure Normally structured in sections and chaptersUsually structured in paragraphs including introduction, body and conclusion typically structured in sections with headings and subheadings. Basic structure involves introduction, body and conclusion. 
Formatting Mostly a strict pattern of formatting is followedOften the formatting is determined by the supervisor or institute through assignment requirement Typically follows a specific guideline from any of the appropriate styles Formatting is determined by the instructor or assignment requirements

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Most students consider dissertation writing exhausting because it requires close attention and engagement throughout the composition process. However, breaking your task into achievable sizes and managing time effectively can help you through many shady situations.

The rest of the composition process is easy for you through this in-depth guide; follow the steps and tips provided in this tutorial, and you should be ready. If you liked this blog, you can find other related topics on our website, so head on there. 


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