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How to Write a University Coursework-Academic Writing 101

Students are burdened like a mule when it comes to making assignments and timely submissions. University coursework is an academic nightmare that no student wishes to have. It’s a lengthy work and no matter how hard you try to make it on top, you always end up in the hole!

Our academic writers are here to make this process smooth like butter for you. By the time you reach the end of the blog, your academic troubles will be turned into ashes.

So sit back, and dump the negativity in your mind, and let us take you across the river. Let’s get it started!

Experts Guide to Writing a University Coursework Project

Our step by step guide on coursework paper will help a wide pool of students going through this process. This meticulous guide will serve as a lighthouse for students who are unable to come up with coursework ideas. The first step you’ll be taking in completing this endeavor is:

Pick a Topic

As we mentioned above, the first step is choosing a topic for your coursework project. Typically, this step itself overwhelms new students who just got enrolled in a university or college. Picking a topic challenges your inner creativity and abilities to take on a difficult subject.

Let us break it down into small chunks for your understanding on how’ll be doing this exact task in easy ways.

For picking a topic you must go through brainstorming along with additional steps such as:

  • Able to identify your capabilities
  • Skills required to complete the process
  • Topic relevance with the subject student enrolled in
  • Benefits for future generations and in the field of study
  • The scope and extent of the topic
  • Defining the parameters a topic should be confined to
  • Ability of the topic to expose a student’s creativity to assessors, etc

For choosing a topic, you must go through the above-mentioned steps that our professional writers have provided.

Since it’s the first step, it needs to be carefully calibrated and must be perfect. To choose a topic for coursework paper, a student must be able to identify their capabilities, skills required to undertake such challenges.

Secondly, when choosing a topic, you must consider the relevance to your subject and how it connects with it.

For example if you’re writing about “Project Manhattan ” and how J.Robert Oppenheimer invented and tested the world’s first nuclear weapon, then your subject should be history, nuclear physics or a relevant one. If you’re a major in literature and chose a topic like we mentioned-above, then you’re making a mistake.

Thirdly, while picking a topic, be specific about its scope, extent and benefits it will offer to your field of studies. Your coursework assignment shouldn’t be a composition of random words that serve no purpose for future generations.

Lastly, you must remember that the topic you’d select would showcase your talent and skills to your professor. Therefore it must have sufficient information that entails your progression as a student and future innovator. Now that you’ve gotten yourself a topic, start your research.

Do the Research

The next step after choosing a topic of your choice and suitability is doing thorough research on it. A research can be of many types because a coursework is a lengthy assignment and can comprise an entire semester’s research and providing your input on it.

Hence, it can take an ample amount of your time before you get hands full of credible sources and valuable information.

Additionally, you must know what type of research your topic is requiring from you such as qualitative or quantitative. Traditionally, topics related to humanities, literature, history, social sciences require qualitative research. Whereas, science subject’s topic require quantitative research methods. 

After getting yourself familiar with the research pattern and filtering the information using funnel technique, you’ve got yourself solid arguments. Now make a thesis statement on this research.

Form your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is your short answer to the coursework project research question. To form a thesis statement, all you’ve to do is to extract a crux of arguments you’ve composed in favor or against a topic’s context. It’s a one or two line sentence that summarizes your efforts and immediately informs your audience what the research is all about. 

Let us give you an example of how a thesis statement might look in a coursework paper. 

Research Question: Why is a complete ban on tobacco impossible even with the help of WHO, UN?

Thesis Statement: Tobacco companies such as Philip Morris, British American Tobacco company pays billions in Taxes to Federal Government, supports the US Senators local population in jobs, Hence it’s given that a complete ban is impossible. 

Students can synthesize a thesis sentence by evaluating the example we put forth in the previous paragraphs. This will surely help them in the long term.

Write an Introduction

After you complete the thesis statement, it’s time to start writing an introduction to your coursework assignment. In simple words, an intro is the first paragraph of any write-up such as an essay, research paper, or in your case coursework essay. You may compose an introduction rather easily after you have collected all the relevant research material.

Let us help you provide fundamental information on how to structure an introductory section. First of all students should know that it has three basic parts such as:

  • Hook sentence
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement
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A hook is basically an intriguing sentence or statement that can be in-depth information, a quote or a rhetorical sentence that initiates a reaction from the audience.

For example you might say that “3.2 million children under the age of 5 die each year in Africa” according to SOS Children’s Villages USA, a prominent NGO working in Africa. 

Just a few seconds of glance on this statement invokes the emotional response from readers. You may feel empathy, sadness and frustration by reading this.

Similarly, your hook statement should be enticing and bring out a response from your readers and force them to read the entire paper. 

Secondly, you can add background information after introducing a hook. The historical information endorses your hook sentence and makes it more consolidated work. You can provide any information such “Malnutrition is the biggest cause of premature deaths or high juvenile mortality rate in sub-saharan area of Africa”

Thirdly, your thesis statement strengthening the aforementioned hook and background makes a magical effect on your audience. After adding all three parts, the introductory section is completed without much effort. An example for thesis statement is mention below:

“Excessive population growth, internal conflicts within African continents, debt crisis and diseases like AIDS, Malaria, Dengue and Hepatitis are the biggest causes of high mortality among childrens in north African countries”

Write Body Paragraph(s) that Works like a Powerhouse

After completing the introduction part, give yourself a pat on the back, you’ve successfully completed the first part of the university coursework paper.

Now it’s time to work on the body paragraphs. It’s the most important part that works like a supply line, continuously supporting your narrative. 

A body paragraph starts with a topic sentence that’s a shortened version of the entire context of the paragraph. You can add your arguments followed by the supporting evidence and persuade your audience to accept your narrative.

The best way to do that is to follow the 1:1 rule that allows for one argument followed by one credible evidence. This way each sentence can make a big difference in your body paragraph. Readers will get carefully crafted words that will inform and educate them along with proving your worth as a good researcher as well. 

End the Debate in Conclusion

A conclusion is a collection of all the discussion and providing a summary for the audience. It helps to remind them of the topic’s importance under discussion. The first part of this section is providing a summary of main points of discussion.

Writing a conclusion helps you provide a closure to the audience by reiterating the thesis statement and its scope in the field of research. The audience will receive the final blow when you add your concluding remarks and end the chapter till the next new research challenges your perspective.

That’s how you start and end your university coursework project. 

Use of References or Bibliography

The final part where you wrap up your work is adding references in the bibliography section. These references can be quotes taken from books, statistics from UN, WHO, FDA etc. Since these sources add credibility to your coursework assignment therefore, giving them credit allows you to avoid using plagiarized content.

Secondly, as a credible writer it’s your job to credit the sources where it’s due. This step encourages your fellow writers to share their knowledge and expertise and spread the free flow of information.

After completing these steps, take plenty of rest and enjoy the time before you need to submit the assignment and bring the “Wow Factor” to the table.

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Final Words / Verdict

It’s vital for all university students to know how to write a university coursework. Through this guideline our experts have guided you with sufficient information that will keep helping you in the longer run. So, the next time you tackle such projects, remember to incorporate these essential steps of writing coursework and watch your grades soar.


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