How to Write an Analytical Essay? 4 Steps Formula
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How To Write an Analytical Essay? Your 4 Steps Formula

Analytical essay writing is a crucial skill for both students and professionals. It is essential for success in academia and the workplace. However, critically assessing and analyzing various forms of media such as artwork, historical events, literature, film, or music can be challenging.

A recent study has also suggested that up to 70 percent of students believe that academic papers such as writing analytical essays are extremely difficult. Whereas 13.7% believe them to be easy.

Thesis Statement Crucial 
Evidence Essential 
Analysis Fundamental 
Structure Important for clarity and coherence 

The Challenge of Writing an Analytical Essay

The main challenge in composing an analytical essay lies in formulating a compelling thesis and supporting it with substantial evidence and thoughtful analysis. Crafting a well-defined thesis in an analytical paragraph necessitates a thorough comprehension of the subject matter to construct a persuasive argument.

Identifying suitable evidence requires extensive research and careful examination, and analyzing the evidence involves elucidating how it bolsters your thesis.

The author of this article also has difficulties while learning to write an analytical essay. Initially, I faced difficulties in formulating a strong thesis and supporting it with evidence and analysis when I began writing analytical essays. I found it challenging to construct clear arguments and interpret evidence effectively.

Through guidance from mentors and persistent effort, I understood the significance of conducting thorough research, engaging in critical reading, and analyzing information thoughtfully.

Gradually, I grew more self-assured in locating pertinent evidence and constructing cohesive arguments. Despite the complexity of balancing summarization with analysis and addressing counter arguments, practice helped me improve in these areas. Each obstacle presented a learning opportunity and enhanced my capacity to produce compelling analytical essays.

Comparison of Analytical Essay

ElementAnalytical Essay Descriptive Essay Narrative Essay
Thesis Statement RequiredOptionalOptional 
Focus Topic analysisSensory details Story development 
EvidenceCritical Optional Story driven 
Personal VoiceNeutral Objective Subjective 
StructureLogical ChronologicalNarrative arc

What is an Analytical Essay? Meaning and Definition

An analytical essay is an academic writing task that requires dissecting any complex topic to gain an in-depth understanding of its various dimensions. 

“It’s just like a sharp knife that cuts down the onion into tiny parts to expose it at a granular level.” 

Most specifically, the analytical essay involves breaking down the text into various components and subcomponents and then evaluating, analyzing, and understanding each part to develop a solid thesis or argument.

It is not just summarizing facts, instead, it requires you to delve deep into the particular topic to perform extensive understanding and interpretation. 

You can write analytical essays on any political topic, journal articles, literary work, historical events, social or scientific studies, etc.

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What is the Outline of an Analytical Essay?

These are a few important aspects of an analytical essay outline.


  • Hook Statement: Intrigue the readers with an attention-grabbing opening statement that compels them to read your essay.
  • Background Information: Orient your readers with some historical and background context.
  • Thesis Statement: Write your main arguments and key ideas clearly.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1:

  • Topic Sentence: Write down your first perspective or argument on the topic at the start of each analytical paragraph.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence from the topic itself such as quotes, examples, or references to support your first point of view.
  • Assessment and Analysis: Analyze and evaluate how your evidence backs your argument and claim.
  • Relate to Your Thesis: Connect your analysis back to your main thesis statement.

Paragraph 2:

  • Topic Sentence: Write down your second perspective or argument on the topic.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence from the topic itself such as quotes, examples, or references to support your second point of view.
  • Assessment and Analysis: Analyze and evaluate how your evidence backs your second argument and claim.
  • Relate to Your Thesis: Connect your analysis back to your main thesis statement. 

Paragraph 3:

  • Topic Sentence: Write down your third perspective or argument on the topic.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence from the topic itself such as quotes, examples, or references to support your third point of view.
  • Assessment and Analysis: Analyze and evaluate how your evidence backs your third claim.
  • Relate to Your Thesis: Connect your analysis back to your main thesis statement.

Important Note: Follow the same structure for subsequent aspects or paragraphs.


  • Use transitional words to maintain connection and coherency throughout the essay.
  • It will ensure smooth transitions between different ideas.


  • Thesis Restatement: Restate your original thesis statement that will include your key arguments and ideas about the topic.
  • Summary of Body Paragraphs: Use compelling words and language to summarize, reiterate, and reinforce the key points from the body paragraphs.
  • Closing Remarks: Provide your final thoughts and closing remarks about the broader implications of your analysis.
  • Call To Action: Strike the reader with a thought-provoking question or call to action to leave a lasting impression.

Review and Editing

  • Proofread: Proofread and review your essay to ensure clarity and grammatical correction.

Note: This is a generic outline of the analytical essay. You can modify it according to your requirements.

How to Write an Analytical Essay? 4 Steps Formula

Analytical essay writing requires an excellent ability to craft it in a compelling and attention-grabbing manner. You have to develop a crystal clear understanding of the topic at hand and then present it in an easy-to-understand yet engaging way.

Let’s break down the proven formula of assignment writers on how to write an analytical essay effortlessly that captivates your audience.

Choose a Topic of Your Interest:

  •  Reflect upon your academic background, interest, and passion.
  •  Search for a topic that has enough depth and complexity to break it down for evaluation and interpretation.
  •  Try to keep your topic focused and narrow down your scope.
  • Don’t be too broad and vague in your topic selection.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement:

  • After finalizing your topic, collect authentic data and information from credible sources and take expert opinions.
  •  Develop your central arguments, questions, and a particular aspect that clarifies your position.
  •  Always be specific and clear in writing your statement of thesis. You must have a good idea of how to structure a thesis statement well.

Evaluate and Analyze:

  • Break down the topic into smaller components and then analyze, evaluate, and interpret them individually.
  • Don’t be limited to just summarizing the facts, instead go deep into exploring the “Why” and “How” to expose hidden meanings, complexities, and relationships.
  • Provide evidence such as quotations and examples from the topic itself to back your claim and particular perspective.
  • Never ignore the alternative or opposing views. Acknowledge and address them respectfully.
  • Use transitional words to maintain connectivity and coherency between different paragraphs and ideas.

Follow the Structure:

  • Introduction:
  • Start introducing your topic, historical data, or information, and your thesis statement.
  •  Use engaging and attention-grabbing words to hook the reader.
  •  You can use any surprising facts and statistics, questions, or quotes to hook your reader.
  • Body:
  • Each paragraph in the body should emphasize a single aspect and view.
  • Analyze and discuss it with evidence from the topic itself to support your claims.
  • Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs.
  • Conclusion:
  •  Restate your thesis statement to reinforce your central arguments using simple words.
  •  Summarize key points.
  • Never add any information not discussed in the main thesis
  •  Put thought-provoking questions and calls to action that leave a lasting impact on the reader’s mind.

Bonus Tips:

  • Write in clear and easy-to-understand language.
  • Avoid adding your personal opinions and biases.

Analytical Essay Example Sample

9 Amazing Benefits of Analytical Essay

  • Deep Understanding of the Subject Matter
  • Critical Thinking Skill Development
  • Analytical Proficiency
  • Enhancement of Thesis Statement
  • Research Efficiency
  • Creativity and Self-Exploration Ability
  • Excellent Writing and Communication Expertise
  • Art of Persuasiveness
  • Argumentative Skills

15 Things to Avoid While Writing an Analytical Essay

  1. Personal Opinion and Expressions Without Evidence
  2. Just Summarizing the Facts without any Interpretations
  3. Skipping Opposing and Alternative Perspective
  4. Using Informal Words and Rhetorical Language
  5. Weak and Broad Thesis Statement Without any Direction
  6. Factual Inaccuracies and Inconsistencies
  7. Overuse of Same Quotations, Examples, and Complex Terms
  8. Adding Weak and Incredible Sources
  9. Lack of Engagement
  10. Adding new data and information in the Conclusion
  11. Poor Logical Connection and Transitions Between Ideas
  12. Not Relating Your Main Arguments and Perspectives to the Overall Thesis
  13. Irrelevant Fluff, Filler, and Repetition Just for the Sake of Word Count
  14. Plagiarism
  15. Grammatical and Structural Mistakes

How to Choose Topics for an Analytical Essay – 9 Secrets

  1. Only go with good analysis essay topics
  2. Reflect on your Interest and Passion
  3. Consider Your Academic Background
  4. Define Your Goals and Intended Audience
  5. Brainstorm Ideas and Potential Topics
  6. Be Specific and Narrow Down Your Focus
  7. Research and Evaluate the Chosen Topic
  8. Test Your Passion
  9. Double Check the Feasibility
  10. Seek Guidance, Finalize it, and Start Working

30 Good Analysis Essay Topics

You can go with writing a state constitution analytical essay or could shortlist some other topics for analysis essay from this list:

  1. Exploring the Impact of Sleep Disorder on Human’s Health
  2. Quantum Computing: Opportunities and Challenges
  3. French Revolution: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
  4. Economic Impacts of War on Terror
  5. Napoleon and The Legacy of Revolution
  6. William Shakespeare’s Contributions to English Literature and Fiction
  7. How Renewable Energy Resources Can Boost Countries Economy
  8. Feminism in Pride and Prejudice
  9. How Climate Change is Badly Impacting the Wildlife
  10. An In-Depth Exploration of Gender’s Pay Gap in Private Sector
  11. American Dream in Death of a Salesman
  12. Mental Cinematic Universe Franchise
  13. Globalization and Cultural Diversity: Association and Contradictions
  14. Data Vulnerabilities in Digital Arena
  15. Exploring the Opportunities of Online Earning to Mitigate Poverty
  16. How Women’s Education Can Overcome Ignorance from the Society
  17. Teenager’s Obsession with Social Media
  18. Is Obesity a Public Health Crisis?
  19. How AI Can Increase Efficiency of Industrial Work?
  20. Propaganda Methods and Strategies in Early 70s.
  21. Social Media Activism and Slacktivism
  22. Refugees Crisis In Afghanistan
  23. Me Too Movement’s Positive Contributions to Provide a Safe Working Environment
  24. How AI Approaches Can Help Prevent Cyberbullying?
  25. Impact of Cryptocurrency on Documented Economy
  26. How Unbridled Social Media Can Jeopardize Countries Security
  27. Plastic Pollution of Oceans
  28. How Political Instability Contributes to the Downfall of Economies
  29. Exploring the Netflix Business Model
  30. Online Earning Opportunities in the Gaming Industry

How to Write a Thesis Statement for an Analytical Essay?

Now, after shortlisting topics for analysis and picking one to write an essay on, the next step is to come up with a good thesis statement.

  • Take a Clear Stance: Describe your stance and perspective on the subject being analyzed.
  • Highlight Your Main Arguments and Position:Include your key idea, and central arguments and specifically shed light on your position.
  • Stay Focussed and Narrow Down Your Scope: Don’t be vague or broad, narrow down your focus and scope.
  • Make Use of Assertive Language: Use words such as “Argue”,” Prove”, or “demonstrate ”. Because it will provide a clue that you are taking a definitive perspective instead of just describing the facts
  • Signifies Your Key Points: Provide logical reasons on how and why your arguments and perspective matter a lot. Also, go through a good analytical writing sample for understanding.
  • “How” and “Why”: Your thesis statement should focus on answering “How” and “Why” Questions related to your stance. 

Examples of How to Write Thesis Statement for an Analytical Essay?

Example 1:

  • “This essay argues that Harper Lee uses themes of injustice and racism to demonstrate the struggle for equality during the civil rights era in To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Example 2:

  • “A close analysis of theme, character, and imagery demonstrates how William Golding employs Lord of the Flies to critique human nature and civilization.”

Example 3:

  • “Through its use of symbols and metaphors, The Great Gatsby reveals the corruptive nature of superficial wealth in the 1920s.”

How to Write a Conclusion for an Analytical Essay?

  1. Your conclusion of the analytical essay should reiterate and reinforce your thesis statement.
  2. Highlight your goals, objectives, and audience and justify them. 
  3. Just summarize and sum up the body paragraphs.
  4. Link back to your thesis and show how it is answering your questions.
  5. Describe the significance of your theme along with logical reasons.
  6. Use sentences that signal the closure of your work.
  7. Use engaging and attention-grabbing words.
  8. Put thought-provoking questions and calls to action that leave a lasting impression on the reader’s mind. 
  9. Always try to end on a positive note.

3 Things to Avoid in Your Conclusion of Analytical Essay

  1. Don’t add any new points or information that you did not discuss in your entire work.
  2. Stay away from adding your personal bias or opinion.
  3. Never use in-text references in your conclusion part.

Words to Start a Conclusion of an Analytical Essay

A good conclusion of the essay starts from the given word.

  • In conclusion
  • In summary
  • To sum up
  • As we have discussed
  • As we have seen
  • Keeping in view our discussion
  • Therefore
  • As a result
  • Ultimately
  • At last
  • In light of the above discussion
  • After analyzing
  • The key findings of this essay are that
  • To Wrap up the discussion
  • To conclude
  • Reflecting upon the entire essay

Example of Conclusion for an Analytical Essay

“To sum up, the most important question is, “Can AI chatbots reduce the role of HR professionals? Although they have revolutionized the way HRs work, it is premature to say that they will entirely replace the human element in hiring and training new employees.

The HR professionals are required to make sure that all the hiring, as well as training practices, are aligned with modern techniques. The use of AI tools can create more problems than solutions because they are unable to evaluate the human’s sentiments.”

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Final Thoughts

Analytical essay writing involves breaking down a topic into smaller parts to effectively analyze, understand, and interpret it. However, some challenges come with writing such an essay, such as dissecting the topic, evaluating each component, defining the audience, crafting an outline, and assessing relationships between segments. By going with good analytical essay topics and avoiding certain points while writing, you can overcome these challenges.


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