How To Write An Essay Fast in 2 Hours or Less
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How To Write An Essay Fast In 2 Hours Or Less

Writing an essay faster in 2 hours requires many steps and perfection to complete in time. Your essay should be divided into parts and time that will help you work on them for the period mentioned here.

We know it’s difficult when late submission is already over your head. But we will share an expert’s guide with you that will assist you in making the whole essay writing a piece of cake. You can also take help from an essay writing service to do the heavy work.

Let’s focus on the important steps for composing an essay. So keep reading, make notes, complete your work on time, and submit. Let’s go.

Guiding Steps to Writing an Essay Quickly in 2 Hours Under a Tight Deadline?

We will save your time by offering you tricks and tips to help you achieve your objectives without compromising valuable time. The steps mentioned here will provide accurate information and fulfill your assignment requirements. After reading this guide, you will complete an essay in precisely two hours.

This blog will discuss some essential steps to compose your last-minute essay. So let’s focus on the actions you will take from here.

Step 1: Distribute the Time Smartly on Different Parts of the Essay to Write Essay Faster.

The first step in doing an assignment is time management from start to finish point. When you want to know how to write an essay in a few hours, you must also do detailed planning. This step will make your life easy and save valuable time. 

For example, if you have two hours, it means you have 120 minutes in total. So careful planning is imminent to make it happen while maintaining focus. Let’s make a time division table to allocate time to each part of our good essay.

Title: Time Distribution Table on Writing Fast Essay

Allocated Total Time120 minutes
Topic Selection (based on essay prompt)5 minutes
Research (gathering evidence/facts)25 minutes
Mind Map (Use it for outlining)15 minutes
Write Introduction (hook sentence,
thesis statement, background information)
10 minutes
Write Body Paragraph 115 minutes
Write Body Paragraph 215 minutes
Make a conclusion10 minutes
Proofread the draft15 minutes
Make edits based on proofread5 minutes
Read again5 minutes
Time Used120 minutes

The time allocation scale will help you write essays faster without breaking your concentration. You might need more time if you’re writing a complex essay based on medical or scientific research. In short, you can write a 2000-2500 words essay by dividing your time according to this scale.

Step 2: Get Rid of Distractions

Students; now you know how to allocate time for a specific essay part. Now you can start working on avoiding distractions. Anything that prevents you from writing your essay is a distraction. Get rid of all distractions such as; 

  • Mobile phones usage either for playing games, calls, texts etc
  • Tablets
  • Social media use 
  • Mental barriers, and all other distractions.

For example, you can tell your family, friends, girlfriend or boyfriend you’re unavailable for at least two hours. During this time, switch off all the devices or use airplane mode to avoid notifications.

Many recent polls have suggested that students can write a fast essay when they are cut off from their surroundings. This way, they can focus entirely on their college assignments and write a paper quickly.

“One last step in avoiding distractions is choosing a time when you’ll be at ease and think positively. For example, if you are nocturnal, you can select the time after midnight. This way, you can have sufficient time and fewer chances of being disturbed and distracted.”

Step 3: Understand the Depth and Scope of the Essay

The next step is understanding the entire topic’s depth and scope of its narration. This will help you easily write everything because you already understand the topic’s dynamics. 

Since you know the entire topic, you can’t waste your time writing irrelevant and nonsignificant words. This step will save you tons of time because you’ll be so spot-on you can hardly waste a minute. Here we will give you three key tips to understand the depth and score of the essay faster

  • Understand the topic and how it will affect your audience 
  • Know the scope of the topic, its overall objective and its outcomes
  • Compose the essay by keeping your audience’s needs at the center

You might take an extra 5 or 10 minutes, but these minutes will save you hours of wasteful words. So any time you give to this step will pay off big in the end.

Step 4: Research With Precision is Compulsory

The next logical step is pinpoint research without irrelevant information. The more your research is refined, the more suitable it will be for your topic. It will reduce the margins of errors significantly.

Since you only have two hours maximum and it’s a very limited time. The best way to utilize this time is under 25 minutes. How you’ll do that is entirely up to you. 

Tips to Research with Precision 

  • The best solution is to focus on the topic sentence and gather the top 5 results from google scholar or any online portal. 
  • The second option is to go beyond the conventional system and hire a cheap assignment writing service. This way, you can save yourself from the headaches of the entire write-up.

Carefully planned and executed work results in the best use of a limited or short period. 

Step 5: Make A Quick Outline

After time allocation, research, and avoiding distractions, you can formulate your ideas into an outline. Your entire essay writing and outline will be logically connected to the whole part of the assignment. Let’s give an example of how you will outline your essay prompt.

Essay Topic: Co2 Emissions & Their Global Impact (can be rhetorical or interrogative).
Introduction: Introduce your audience with the topic’s hook sentence, thesis statement and background information. You can discuss carbon dioxide and its negative impact on the environment.
Body Paragraph 1: To persuade your audience, add your first and most relevant and authentic research arguments here. Your research may encompass evidence and research from OSHA, US EPA (environmental protection agency), Greenpeace, United Nations Environment Programme etc.
Body Paragraph 2: After the prominent and widely accepted evidence, you can add some less evidence that is less authentic. These arguments can be the words of key opinion leaders, subject matter specialists etc. You can use some speech references from Greta Thunberg, Leonardo DiCaprio etc.
Conclusion: End your discussion with summarizing sentences and let the audience have a mutual agreement on the broader context of the topic. This way, they will have ownership of the verdict you’ll come up with. Present a short summarized analysis of previous statements and end it.

This outline on a mock topic serves as the general structure of your article. You can follow it to understand how to write the perfect college essay and get good grades.

Step 6: Start Writing your Words on Paper without Delay

After completing an outline, it’s just composing the ideas on paper or your laptop. Your basic outline already contains some of the best statements you can use for essay writing. 

The writing process starts from the introduction paragraph to the body and finishes at the conclusion. Let’s start the first part of the essay, known as the “introduction.”

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Steps to take in the Writing Phase

  1. Perfectly Execute Introduction in 10 Minutes

This part has only ten minutes, so make every second count. Although many students think more time is needed since you have all the prerequisites, it’s no big deal. You can divide your time into parts, such as giving three parts equal space.

  • Usually, you can write a hook sentence in under one minute or at least two minutes. A hook is just one paragraph, so it should be catchy but brief. 

  • Background Information is the subject’s updated information that enlightens the audience on why the topic is under the spotlight. Although this takes two to three minutes, data should be accurate and current.

  • Athesis statement is the writer’s findings on the subject that they have completed. It’s complex and thus needs five minutes to be completed, given that you have rectified grammatical errors. 

2. Give the Best to Body Paragraphs One and Two in 30 Minutes

  1. This is the most important part and contains the main points a student or a writer uses to defend their findings. The findings from the entire research work and mind map go here. This is why it gets the most time for essay writing. Students’ speed writing skills are tested here. 
  2. Usually, students have a couple of research findings that they incorporate into the body section. That’s why this section has a golden rule of adding two paragraphs. Each one can be made in 15 minutes easily without much effort.
  3. Add the heavyweight research or evidence at the start and the rest of the arguments after this. Show the opposing side’s narrative provides credibility to the essay. But make sure they are easily refutable. Eliminating counterarguments and their validation makes the body paragraph one of the best examples. 
  4. Similarly, Add the supportive arguments in paragraph two to strengthen the narrative further. This will provide understanding in a broader context and imprint the writer’s expertise. 

3. Add Relevant Anecdote in Conclusion in 10 Minutes

The last part of writing any essay is composing a conclusion paragraph. These are the ending remarks by the writer on the topic they’ve researched. Since you already provided a quick answer in the body paragraph, keep your conclusion short and crisp. 

Let’s look at some of the important features your essay conclusion should have to be considered for grades.

  • The previous examples should be kept from this part of the essay. You can enforce your point by adding a summary of the evidence.

  • The conclusion should also be completed in almost 8 to 10 minutes. Because you’ve already presented your arguments earlier, summarize your research in good words.

  • Use persuasive language to make your readers buy-in on the conclusion of the topic. This way, you’ll get a broader consensus on your findings and their explanation. 

Within the designated time of 10 minutes, you can complete this entire step quickly and effectively. 

Step 7: Proofread with Eagle Eyes & Make Edits to Write Essay Quickly

The last step of composing a fast essay is to evaluate your writing and pinpoint your mistakes. You need to use all the critical skills in doing so. Usual mistakes by students are largely based on grammar and punctuation. 

You can easily scroll the content for 3 to 5 minutes for any mistaken word or sentence. 

You can also assign your friend and ask them to have a quick look with you. This way, if you miss something, someone will be there to help you. After this nerve-racking process, it’s time to edit the document and replace the mistaken words with accurate ones. After this, submit your document and wait for your professor’s remarks on your essay.


Let’s Wrap Up over here. We have given you a complete step-by-step guide on how to write an essay fast. Follow the steps mentioned in this blog, and you will never have to worry again. In case of any confusion, contact us, and we will ensure you receive the best service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I speed up my essay?

You need to take the following steps immediately.

  1. Divide your time appropriately
  2. Take any assistance or help from your classmate or friend for a second opinion
  3. Do research only on the topic and not its derivative form etc.

How does an essay start?

An essay should be started in the following sequence:

  1. Start with the introduction. It's the essay's first paragraph that includes (Hook sentence, thesis statement & background information).
  2. Hook sentences capture the audience's attention.
  3. Thesis statement is the writer’s findings about the topic.
  4. Background information is the topic's history that provides basic information to the audience.

How to end an essay?

You can end your essay by writing a good conclusion. The conclusion paragraph ends your essay by emphasizing your narrative and summarizing it. Making a good conclusion always helps you achieve your goals.

How many paragraphs are in an essay?

Usually, there are three paragraphs in an essay if you are writing for a high school paper. But for university, you need to compose a 5 paragraph essay better to demonstrate your creative writing skills and topic depth.

What are the types of essays?

There are many types of essays, such as;

  • Persuasive essay
  • Argumentative essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Expository essay


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