Thesis Process: Writing With Perfect Time Allocation
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Thesis Process: How Long Does Composition Take?

A thesis process involves carefully calculated steps you must take to avoid last-minute rushes. We understand that most students struggle to make up for the lost time on their thesis writing. But don’t worry. This post is here to assist you through this journey. We’ll tackle some practical and time-tested steps you can take for quick delivery of your work.

What’s a Thesis Process?

A thesis writing process refers to a set of steps you take to develop a high-quality thesis. These steps range from researching topics to finding a research instructor and composing a timely and structured paper. These steps can vary depending on your research requirement and the institute.

Even though students need assistance in almost every aspect of this procedure, this particular guide will help in managing time. Thus, you can find some digestible and easy-to-follow instructions in the following section.

Time Allocation For Successful Thesis Process Completion

Since time is of the essence here, let us assign a specific timeframe to each step.

Time Simulation For Thesis

We know that a research project like a thesis requires a considerable amount of time, typically 12 to 24 weeks. Depending on the field of study and educational level, the duration may extend to a year.

For instance, a humanities or literature research project can typically be completed within 12 weeks. Therefore, our time simulation will be based on a three-month timeframe.

How Long Does it Take to Complete a Thesis?
Steps of Writing ThesisTime Allocation (12 weeks/3 Months)
Topic Selection & Forming Thesis Statement1 Week (5 to 7 days at max)
Research Process3 Weeks (18-21 days max)
Outlining Ideas/Making Mind Map2 Weeks (10-14 days max)
Composing (Intro, Body, Conclusion)4 weeks (25-30 days max)
Second Opinion (Mistake Rectification)1 Week (5 to 7 days at max)
Editing, Adding New Details, Submission1 Week (5 to 7 days at max)

Topic Selection & Forming Thesis Statement

To begin with your thesis process, let’s start with selecting a topic and forming a thesis statement. Give yourself 5 to 7 days to achieve this goal. Look for topics that interest you and spark your creativity. 

You can further divide this time to keep yourself on track. For instance, assign 3 days for topic selection and 4 days for thesis statement formation.

Insider tips:

  1. Look for areas in your field that require further exploring. But don’t neglect your interest in the subject matter. 
  2. Seek professional guidance on how and where to start looking for your topic.

Research Process

Researching evidence and making arguments based on those findings takes time. It may take weeks or even months to complete scientific research work. On the other hand, you can turn in your college theses in 18 to 21 days. Thus, you can assign 3 weeks to this step.

Insider tips:

  1. Plan research phases. Break down your research into manageable phases to streamline your efforts. Consider spending one week on primary source research. The second week is on secondary and tertiary sources. In the third week, evaluate the credibility and validity of your findings. This organized approach will help you stay focused and avoid being overwhelmed.
  2. Prioritize evidence-based arguments during your research process. This includes critically analyzing data and sources. For example, if you conduct a scientific study, prioritize peer-reviewed journals and academic databases as primary sources.

Outlining Ideas

The next step in your thesis process is to start outlining your ideas into creative arguments. Most of the work involves making a structure of the entire thesis. Structure your main statements’ primary and secondary arguments in a hierarchy. Use a mind map to support your findings with appropriate research. 

This technique can help you visually organize your thoughts and ideas. Further, it helps identify relationships and connections between different aspects of your thesis. You can complete all of these steps in 10 to 14 days. But the key here is to stay consistent.

Insider Hack:

  1. Use a clear and logical structure to outline your ideas and arguments.

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Composing (Intro, Body, Conclusion)

The composition of your paper is an essential step in the thesis process. It involves writing comprehensive introductory paragraphs, followed by a body and conclusion. As it is a time-consuming task, give yourself at least 28-30 days.

Hacks for you:

  1. If you’re writing your thesis yourself, start with an impacting introduction. State the purpose and significance of your research. Provide an overview of your thesis structure. This is how you can engage your reader from the beginning to make a lasting impression.
  2. Maintain a consistent flow, style, and tone throughout the sections of your project.
  3. You can get an expert on board by exploring some cheap assignment service platforms to gain additional guidance.

Second Opinion (Mistake Rectification)

The next goal for your thesis process is to comb out all the mistakes from your project. You’ll need the help of a fresh pair of eyes for this. The best way to move about this exercise is to ask someone to offer their opinion on your work.

It’s better to ask someone from the relevant field, a professional or instructor. Since these people can offer better insights from the technical aspect. You can adopt two of these approaches to overcome this step;

  1. You can ask someone to go through your content while you’re writing. You can provide them with sections of your work. If you take on this procedure, you might take 36- 40 days to complete your entire thesis.
  2. The second strategy is to provide your work to someone once you’re done writing. This can take you 5-7 days, at the very least.

Editing, Adding New Details, Submission

Spend your final week editing mistakes and adding new details. These can include all the details that might not have been available at the start of the process. Strive to make the second draft as spotless as possible. Submit the final version and pat yourself on the back for a job well done!


Completing a thesis is a challenging and time-consuming process. Allocating sufficient time to each step can help you streamline your research project. Further, it’ll showcase your literary skills effectively.

While the duration of your thesis process may vary, our guidelines provide a framework for success. Remember, patience and dedication are key to achieving your thesis goals.


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