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200 plus unique Topics of Psychology Research to Ace Exam

Psychology research papers can be overwhelming, considering the complexity of studying the human mind and behavior. It can be a real struggle to pick a single topic, especially since there are many branches of psychology, like social, experimental, cognitive, etc.

Do you need help coming up with a good idea for your psychology research paper? Don’t worry – we have you covered with a blog that is filled with some excellent psychology research paper topics you can consider.

Excellent topics of psychology research paper to write a killer piece

A psychological research paper is a big deal since it involves a ton of medical jargon, facts, and logic. People in the field need to be knowledgeable to understand it, so the researcher must be top-notch to wow the audience. Speaking of which, we’ve compiled some outstanding psychology research topics to give you a head start. Here you go with the first list:

Easy Topics of Psychology Research Paper

If you’re not an expert in psychology and want something simple to work on for a research project, these ideas are great to look into.

  • What role does color play in people’s behavior?
  • Looking into the mental health of kids with disabilities
  • The impact of racism on someone’s mental well-being.
  • Examining how tech can influence student learning.
  • Digging into whether depression and social media go hand-in-hand.
  • If video games have anything to do with violence in children.
  • Trying to understand how childhood experiences shape adult behavior and what gender identity looks like in teens.
  • Exploring how sleep deprivation affects mental health and how media affects teens.
  • Let’s look at how implicit attitudes affect the ways people interact with each other.
  • A case study on Milgram’s obedience experiment
  • How do people react to verbal and non-verbal cues?
  • How to tell if someone is lying?
  • Persuasive techniques to get people into relationships and marriages.
  • How does social psychology theory work in the real world?
  • How do people react to moral and civil disorder?
  • How does social media influence people’s relationships? 
  • Why does the first impression matter, and what causes people to be attractive?
  • Why are women and men attracted to each other?
  • How does being part of a family affect relationships?
  • How do personalities shape people’s interactions?
  • How retreats and fun days in schools can bring people together?
  • Is home therapy necessary for recovery after surgery?
  • What does the public think about people with mental health issues?
  • Is meditation a way to mend and restore yourself?
  • What’s the link between aging and mental illness?
  • What elements influence teenagers’ mental health?

Excellent Topics of Psychology Research Paper

Getting a good topic is a significant part of crafting any paper. It’s equally crucial when you’re writing a psychology paper or essay. Because psychology is so broad, you want something manageable with info. Here’s another list of exciting psychology research topics. It also comprises some of our writers’ favorite sports psychology research topics.

  • What are the consequences of virtual therapy versus in-person therapy?
  • What’s the association between self-confidence and peer pressure?
  • The influence of violent video games on a kid’s mental well-being.
  • Why do anxiety disorders affect women more than men?
  • The principal risks of depression.
  • How do traumatic experiences affect children as they grow up?
  • What are the mental health impacts of drug and alcohol misuse?
  • How does child abuse affect their growth and development?
  • Why do most guys prefer playing football compared to women?
  • How does yoga affect someone’s physical fitness?
  • The link between working out and obesity in young people.
  • Why do so many athletes still take performance-enhancing drugs despite the consequences?
  • How could adolescents be impacted if they get involved in professional sports?
  • The effect of college athletics on the student’s grades.
  • Impact of sports activities on neutrophils.
  • Why do people with cardiovascular issues need to exercise regularly?
  • Most common injuries among athletes and their effects.
  • What role do fans play in a stadium?
  • How does the technical bench affect a team’s performance?
  • What effect does a red card have on a footballer in the match?
  • Why is teamwork a must for any team to win?

Controversial Psychology Research Paper Topics

Nothing grabs the reader’s attention like a bit of a debate. Here are some controversial psychology research paper topics that’ll keep the readers hooked while meeting the assignment’s requirements. 

  • Should children involved in violent crimes be allowed to live free during adulthood?
  • What happens to the children’s mental condition when they are asked to testify against a parent?
  • Impact of corporal punishment in school on young adults.
  • Should schools ask for the psychological profiles of students?
  • Should parents be allowed to monitor all activities of their children?
  • Should parents have unlimited access to their children’s mobile phones?
  • Should a psychological test form part of the hiring process?
  • Should parents prohibit children from watching TV?
  • Juvenile detention and its effect on the young person.
  • Should we regard obesity to be affecting one’s mental health?
  • Should sexual predators receive psychological treatment
  • What do you think about young people’s right to abortions without the knowledge of their parents?
  • Is homosexuality a psychological disorder?
  • Gender discrimination in religion and its impact on people
  • Best treatments for kids to cope with behavioral issues
  • How do violent images affect patients with traumatic experiences
  • Innovative approaches for treating phobias in children
  • Using cultural psychology to understand human development better
  • Effect of different professions on a person’s psychology
  • Understanding separation anxiety in adolescents
  • Early-age dementia and its risks
  • How does the aging process influence mental illness?
  • Intervention-type treatment and its limitations
  • Causes and symptoms of schizophrenia
  • The relationship between aging and eating disorders
  • Dealing with complex dementia patients
  • The most effective way of treating depression
  • Modern society’s response to autism

Social Psychology Research Topics

If you’re into this area, you’ll probably want to know how certain things shape our opinions and how we interact with others. Here are some great topics to look into if you’re interested in social psychology research.

  • The role of parental negligence in children’s obesity
  • Can obesity be linked to watching television?
  • The psychological reasons for depression
  • What causes the stress?
  • Cultural influences on the personality of a child
  • Effects of gender on the memory
  • The various stages of human development
  • How can you link physical illness to stress?
  • Discussing hypnosis in real-life scenarios
  • How is mental health affected by medication?
  • What should you know about borderline personality disorders?
  • How is substance abuse affecting mental health?
  • Can violent behavior take the shape of mental illness?
  • How are parents responsible for the mental development of a child
  • Mental health issues of modern society
  • Social anxiety – what causes it?
  • Analyzing asexuality as a mental condition
  • What causes multiple personality disorder?
  • What pushes antisocial behaviors?
  • How are drugs affecting the emotional development of teens?
  • How is mental health affected by bullying?
  • Anorexia and its leading causes
  • Child abuse in developing countries
  • How immigration affects families?
  • Analyzing self-illusion
  • Eating disorders and their psychological effects
  • The connection between social cognition and depression
  • Violence and its social perspective
  • Miscarriage and its social consequences
  • The psychological effects of torture
  • How do genetics shape human intelligence?
  • Analyzing different theories of motivation
  • Main reasons for suicide in teenagers
  • The positive use of hypnosis
  • How to expose a lie using social psychological principles?
  • Discussing cognitive development in adults
  • Forensic psychology – what do we need to know?
  • In-depth study of Gestalt psychology
  • The concepts of modern physiological studies
  • How is sleep deprivation affecting the memory
  • The importance of studying Environmental psychology
  • Domestic abuse and its psychological effects
  • Things you should know about social cognition
  • Romance and its psychological standpoint
  • Leadership in social psychology
  • Analyzing different human attitudes
  • Social controls and their types
  • Things to take care of when caring for a hyperactive child
  • Homeless and their psychological problems
  • Analyzing the workplace psychology
  • Attribution psychology – what do you need to know
  • What should we know about cognitive dissonance?
  • What are the causes of racism in young people?
  • How is prosocial behavior affecting development?

Experimental Psychology Research Topics

Studying experimental psychology is the most exciting way to explore the human mind. Plus, the outcomes of psychological experiments can help us better comprehend certain behaviors. When you’re in college, it’s a great idea to use experimental psychology as the basis for your written assignments. Here are some more topics of pyschology research for you.

  • Is it true that the color blue can make a person feel calm and relaxed?
  • The ethical shortcomings of notorious human experiments
  • Breakfast’s impact on the overall day-to-day activities of a person
  • Can we say that the use of social media is one of the reasons for violence in adults?
  • Is it true that geniuses are made and not born?
  • Understanding mood freezing and its implications
  • Ways to prevent hindsight bias
  • Understanding the technique of double foot-in-door
  • Different ways of controlling aggression

Abnormal Psychology Research Topics

It’s super important that we look into mental health issues to make our society better. Abnormal psychology allows experts to get to the bottom of psychological problems, figure out why they happen, and see what their outcome is. Considering all the progress that can be made by studying these topics, it’s worth exploring.

  • What factors increase the anorexia rate in children?
  • Anorexia in adults and its causes
  • Ways to overcome anxiety disorder
  • Why is eating disorder common in youth
  • Reason for suicides in teenage
  • How is asexuality related to the psychology of a person
  • Ways to control anxiety and depressing thoughts regarding death
  • Factors causing multiple personality disorders
  • How are violent video games the reason for mood disorders in children
  • How to deal with phobias
  • Can we regard stalking as a psychological disorder?

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Cognitive Psychology Research Topics

Studying how our minds work can be intriguing, so if you’re in college and have been given a project on cognitive psychology, we’ve got you covered.

  • How does attention deficiency or hyperactivity disorder affect a child’s development?
  • The effects of autism
  • The importance of color psychology in cognitive development studies
  • Various ways of measuring attention span
  • Different ways of recovering from memory loss
  • The role of memories in an individual behavior
  • Factors that can improve problem-solving abilities in children
  • Speech disorder and how is it effective in cognitive development
  • How to measure critical thinking in cognitive psychology
  • The effect of subconsciousness on decision-making abilities
  • Reasons behind violence in children and teenagers
  • The causes of bullying behavior in children
  • Factors responsible for delaying the mental development of a child
  • Can we say that single parenting is suitable for the mental development of a child
  • Can we treat panic attacks and anxiety using cognitive psychology?

Clinical Psychology Research Topics

Clinical psychology can be quite complex, but it’s an exciting area of science. Choosing the right research topic for a clinical psychology research paper can challenge students. Yes, from therapy techniques to childhood issues, there’s something for everyone to explore. Here’s a list of clinical psychology research topics that you can consider.

  • Psychological tricks for controlling chronic pain
  • The effectiveness of treating criminals with behavioral therapy
  • Is it true that antidepressants can be addictive?
  • Factors responsible for post-traumatic stress disorder
  • The effectiveness of therapy practices in dealing with depression
  • The impact of an abusive relationship on the victim
  • How to treat insomnia in a clinical scenario?
  • Therapy practices for treating addictions
  • How to treat panic attacks with therapies?
  • Clinical treatments of psychological disorders
  • Causes and treatment of social psychology
  • The effective way of treating phobias and paranoias using the medicine
  • Recommended therapies for schizophrenia

Forensic Psychology Research Topics

Many people are passionate about forensics, so it makes sense that they’d also dig into forensic psychology. So, if you want to make a great impression on your professor, you should check them out.

  • The criminal justice system and effectiveness of rehabilitation
  • Reasons why juvenile murders are on the rise with time
  • The impact of law enforcement on an individual’s private life.
  • Reasons behind mass killing in the United States
  • Domestic violence aimed towards men – Why is society neglecting this fact?
  • Is it correct to say that movies, the internet, and video games augment copycat crimes?
  • Different strategies for effective internet policing
  • Can a better upbringing prevent the making of a serial killer?
  • Rules of conduct to follow by a forensic psychologist in the court 
  • The risk of the unreliable evidence
  • How to determine the legitimacy of an eyewitness memory?
  • How can we evaluate the credibility of mentally challenged eyewitness
  • Rules a psychologist should follow when interacting with criminals in court.

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Determining what to write your research paper on can take time and effort. It’s sometimes more challenging to come up with a topic than it is to write a paper. The same goes for writing a psychology research paper or essay. We put this blog post together to show you some excellent topics you can consider for writing an excellent piece.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the objective of psychological research?

Looking back at what has been seen before, psychological studies try to anticipate how someone might act again. It helps psychologists recognize a behavior pattern and figure out what's behind someone's actions.

What are the typical research methods in psychology?

The most common ways of performing research in psychology are:

- Case studies

- Analysis of content

- Experimental studies

- Quasi experiments

- Neuroimaging

- Structured observation

What are the three exciting psychology research paper topics

The three interesting psychological research paper topics are:

- How is media exposure affecting our mental health?

- Different parenting styles and their effects

- The relationship between cognition and emotion

What are the five core psychological debates?

The five timeless debates in psychology are:

- Nature vs. Nurture

- Constructionism vs. Materialism

- Situation vs. person

- Change across development vs. Consistency

- Cultural variability vs. cultural universals

What are the three areas to explore for writing an excellent psychological research paper?

You can base your psychological research paper on the following:

- Attitudes and persuasions

- Perception and social cognition

- Attraction and close relationships


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