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How to Write a Hypothesis- 6 Steps Hidden Formula

The world of research critically depends on the strength of hypotheses. It is nearly impossible to produce a good research paper without a well-researched hypothesis. Students are encouraged to learn how to write a hypothesis because it enables the researcher to formulate a test and measurable prediction for further research.

Why Are Good Hypotheses Important in Research?

How significant are hypotheses in research? Why do students need to know how to write a hypothesis? You can get the answer to this question by looking at how a hypothesis is a pillar on which a research paper stands. Students with bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees are assigned the task of producing research work based on strong and testable research.

  1. A hypothesis is what your research paper revolves around.
  2. They are supported by scientific facts and statements that give a purpose to the entire work.
  3. A good hypothesis format indicates the researcher’s credibility and skills.
  4. It predicts the results and contains the research question which the entire paper works together to answer.
  5. It’s a crucial part of research, and that’s why students need to learn how to write a hypothesis that is scientifically and statistically researchable.

What is a Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is not just a random guess; it’s a scientific fact or prediction that you make based on existing theory, knowledge, and observations. It is a research question that needs to be answered through research.

The expected result of your research shows the relation between two variables: the dependent variable and the independent variable. The writers’ work in the paper is linked together to prove whether the hypothesis is right or wrong.

There are only two applicable types of Hypotheses in Research

  • Alternate Hypothesis
  • Null Hypothesis

Hypothesis Examples

 1- If students study for 6 hours a day, then they get good marks on the exam.

In this hypothesis ‘if’ and ‘then’ are used to show the relationship between the two variables. ‘If students study for 6 hours a day’ is an independent variable showing cause while ‘they will get good marks on exams’ is a dependent variable that shows the effect.

2- If students learn English at the age of 5, then they become most fluent in speaking. 

‘If students learn English at the age of 5’ is an independent variable and ‘they will become most fluent in speaking’ is the dependent variable. This hypothesis is also a statement that needs research to prove its accuracy.

3- If companies provide compensation, then employees become more productive.

The same is true for this hypothesis, which shows the relationship between independent and dependent variables. It clarifies the impact of one variable on the other, thereby showing cause and effect. 

6-Step Guide on How to Write a Hypothesis

After learning what is a hypothesis, it’s time to move to how to write a hypothesis step. Writing a reasonable hypothesis can be challenging because students struggle with predicting the research and testing capability of a statement. That’s why we are providing you with this exclusive 6-step guide on how to write a hypothesis to simplify the process for you. 

Identify The Research Question

Ask or identify the research question that you want to explore and answer through testing. The question is going to be the base of your entire paper. Make sure it’s focused, specific, and researchable.


What are the effects of mental health issues on students in high school?

This research question aims to find the effects of mental health problems on high school students. Its focus is on how they are affected. This question is specific, which makes it researchable and testable.

Conduct the Initial Research

Now, you have to conduct preliminary research and review the existing knowledge and theories. You can first review some research paper topics, and then you will move toward the hypothesis.

Explore and assess the relevant prior data, hypothesis examples, information, and observations to develop the initial answer to your research question. Finding the existing observations will help you identify the variables and their conceptual relationships. 


Mental Health issues negatively affect the academic performance of the student.

You will learn about the different aspects and negative impact of mental health issues on students’ well-being and daily performance. After preliminary research, you will have plenty of information to develop the initial answer to your research question.

Determine the Variables

This is one of the important steps in learning how to write a hypothesis. Identify the dependent and independent variables of your hypothesis. The independent variable is what can control and change the outcome of the dependent variable.


Students with mental health problems have a decline in academic performance.

Now you have defined your variables. In this hypothesis, ‘Students with mental health problems’ is an independent variable, and ‘decline in academic performance’ is the dependent variable.

Tip: If you are getting confused about why there is only one independent and dependent variable, there are other impacts too like the relationship between students and professors, the personal life of students, etc. Then, in hypothesis due to the limit of space, you will add one main dependent variable, while in research you will have many.

Frame the Hypothesis Statement

Now is the moment to craft your hypothesis statement. It should be simple, clear, and concise and predict or suggest the relationships between the involved variables. 

  • It should be focused on a specific group, and the variables should have a strong relationship.
  • You also have to write the predicted outcome of the research. 
  • The hypothesis should be a complete statement that has the answer to your research question and testability.


Mental health problems negatively impact the academic performance of high school students.

This is a clear statement that shows the purpose of the research, the focus on high school students, and the predictability of the negative impact of mental health issues on academic performance.

Ensure its Research ability and Testability

You should clearly define the scope, conditions, and involved variables for your hypothesis. It should be testable as well as measurable by empirical research and experimentation. If you prove your hypothesis right, then it will help you a lot in the process of writing a research proposal later on.

Develop A Null Hypothesis (H0)

The last step of how to write a hypothesis process is to develop a null hypothesis. A null hypothesis is a statement that shows no relationship between the two variables. It is usually added by researchers to be proven wrong through experiments and testing of the alternative hypothesis (H1).


Mental health problems have no impact on the high school student’s academic performance.

Now, this is your null hypothesis that you are going to challenge and prove wrong through your research.

How to Phrase A Hypothesis in Three Ways?

Introducing a hypothesis is a crucial step. You need to have a good command of the hypothesis so you can start a better research paper introduction as a next step. There are three ways you can phrase your hypothesis to clarify the variables and the nature of the relationship. They all follow the standard hypothesis format of having variables, research predictability, and clear statements.

If – Then

If high school students suffer from mental health issues, then their academic performance will decline.


“Suffering from mental health issues’’ is the independent variable that shows the cause.

“Academic performance will decline” is the dependent variable that shows the effect.

Correlation or Effect

Mental health issues in high school students will result in a negative impact on academic performance.


“Will result in” is used to show the effect of these variables on one another and the realtor between them.

Comparison Driven

High school students suffering from mental health problems are more likely to have poor academic performance than those who don’t.


The statement is clearly comparing the academic performance of students with mental health issues with the students who don’t. It further clarifies the relationship between the variables.

9 Most Important Features of a Hypothesis

  • Specific, focused and defined scope.
  • Clear and concise.
  • Testable and measurable.
  • Clearly define all the involved variables and their relationships.
  •  Based on past theory, knowledge, and observations.
  • It should be falsifiable if the obtained result contradicts the initial observations.
  • It should be relevant and significant to the study and contribute to the existing knowledge.
  • Your hypothesis statement should be a guide and set the direction for future research. You can go through good hypothesis examples to have a clear idea.
  • It should be predictive and anticipate the potential outcome of the experiment.

What is the difference Between the Null Hypothesis, Alternate Hypothesis, and Research Question?

Null HypothesisAlternate HypothesisResearch Question
The null hypothesis statement claims that there is no effect, no difference, and no relationship between the variables in the population that is under study.The alternate hypothesis negates or contradicts the null hypothesis and suggests that there are significant differences and relationships between the variables of the population being studied.The research question or problem is the main agenda of the research that he wants to explore or investigate to find the answer.
The null hypothesis is made to reflect the absence of any expected outcome.The alternate hypothesis is made based on the researcher’s prior knowledge, evidence, and expected outcome.It sets the future research direction.
Example: Eating vegetables does not have any effect on the student’s mental health.Good Hypothesis Example: Eating vegetables affects the student’s mental health.Example: Does eating vegetables impact the student’s mental health? 

Stuck in the process of how to write a hypothesis?

Are you still confused about how to write a hypothesis for your thesis or research paper? Opt for our thesis writing help to get through the challenges of hypothesis writing.

Final Thoughts on How to Write a Hypothesis

A hypothesis is an educated guess or prediction that you make depending on some existing theory, knowledge, and observations. The process of how to write a hypothesis involves various components, such as making an impactful hypothesis outline and following a standard hypothesis structure. This comprehensive guide is going to help you craft a hypothesis and also teach you how to phrase a hypothesis.


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