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How Long Does It Take To Write 1000 Words Essay For College Assignment

Do you need clarification about how long does it take to write 1000 words essay? Don’t worry; you’re not alone; almost all students undergo the same process. Students must take many steps to ensure their work is up to the mark.

In this blog, we will share some important tips that will help you nail your thousand-word college assignments without much fuss. If you are new or fear writing below-average quality content, you may ask for help with assignment writing and get it done easily. Let’s take you through the process of essay writing.

How Many Pages Is 1000 Words?

There is no general rule on how many words can be written on a page, but the rule of thumb dictates it’s around 250-300 words at max. If a student’s essay writing prompts mention it should be single or double-spaced, then variation can be expected.

If you’re asked to write your thousand words essays in a single space, you may be able to write in 2 or 2.5 pages easily. On the contrary, a double-spaced essay might fit into 3 or 4 pages accordingly.

Let us provide you a full demonstration of a single space and double space 1000 words essay that will help you in long term.

Single Spaced 1000 Words Essay

Average number of words/page500
Number of total pages2
Font size12
Font familyTimes new roman
Margin1 inch
Gutter spacing2 cm-2.54 cm

Double Spaced 1000 Words Essay

Average number of words/page230-250
Number of total pages4
Font size12
Font familyTimes new roman
Margin1 inch
Gutter spacing2 cm-2.54 cm

How Long Does It Take To Write a 1,000 Words Essay?

It’s a million-dollar question, but we will try to give you a best rough estimate on how much you should be looking at. The time you need to write an essay depends on the topic, its research and the availability of the outline.

A high school essay takes around 1.5-2 hours to complete, excluding the proofreading and suggested edits. Whereas; a college or university admissions essay consisting of 1000 words probably takes the same time, around 1-2 hours max.

For research-based essays, time division is slightly different from normal day-to-day topics. Planning for a minimum of 5-6 hours on a topic requiring thorough research and work would be best. Many essays related to politics, controversial topics, or scientific research take time to gather information and composition. Students may spend an entire day making outlines and writing perfect details for such write-ups.

Students must make a plan so they can write an essay fast and easily without a hurdle. Your task completion might stay within the designated time and submission window if you have a plan. Let’s focus on the importance of planning and its role in college essay writing.

Why Do you Need to Plan an Essay Writing of 1000 Words?

For every student writing or about to write a college assignment or essay, it’s important to plan everything accordingly. Planning provides many benefits and helps you make your content coherent and influential. Let us share three points on the benefits of planning an essay writing assignment and adding your thoughts to them.

Helps in Making Outline

The first thing planning does is it helps you write your 1000 words essay precisely as defined by the college requirements. You will plan how much time you need for research, making outlines and composing words. A 1000 words assignment is considered insufficient for accurately demonstrating a student’s abilities. Still, it requires planning at every step of the write-up.

By planning, you can accurately forecast how much time you need in reality and how much time you can save. Students’ failure to plan is planning to fail in your assignment submission. Therefore, planning is the key to appropriately working on and delivering the exact time.

Boost Writing Skills 

Since writing a 1000 words college essay is challenging, proper planning helps boost your writing skills. A planned write-up takes less time, and students may complete their work much quicker than anticipated. Planning helps present our essay in a structured way and enhances your writing skills to a professional level.

Additionally, improved writing skills make your work more appealing to your professors and grade assessors. Without planning, students can fail to provide credible and useful work.

Leads to Less Stress

The third benefit of planning is that it reduces the stress on students’ minds. When you have planned accordingly, there are fewer chances of failure and less anxiety. A planned work provides the best outline for 1000 word assignment or admission essay. Having good planning helps in completing your work on time and with satisfaction.

How to Write 1000 Words in Easy Way?

There are many ways you can write your essay of one thousand words easily without any trouble. If you are busy and drowning in overdue tasks, opt for cheap assignment writing services to provide your work on time. For students who are writing their first assignment of a thousand words, they can follow our easy guide mentioned below. These easy ways are best, and custom fit every student’s needs.

Choose a Topic

The first step students must follow is choosing a topic for their essay. If they have already received their topic, it’s best to start researching it. For the rest of the students still going through the topic selection, they must select a controversial but debatable topic.

For selecting a topic, students must remember to choose a subject that can be debated in 1000 words easily. A topic that requires lengthy arguments, evidence and counter-arguments should be avoided at all costs. It will cost you time, effort and additional research you need more time for. As soon as you select your topic, start researching it.

Start Your Research

The easiest way to start research is to focus on key points of the topic and note down their descriptions. Jot down salient features of the relevant research and provides precise information on the selected topic. To shorten the research, do it in three stages, the first part is the initiation stage of the topic, the second is the current stage, and lastly is future impact. This way, you can do good research, and its influence on your audience will be much more effective.

Make A Short Outline

For a 1000 words essay, make a short outline consisting of three essential parts such as;

  1. Introduction
  2. Body Paragraph
  3. Conclusion

An introduction is the first part of the essay that practically works by introducing your audience to the topic, its research and your findings. The introductory paragraph packs a punch and influences your audience as soon as they read the first line of the essay. 

The body paragraph is the second part of the outline that contains all the arguments, counter-arguments and research findings. Students must have enough valid arguments and evidence that perfectly back their narrative. These findings should be concise; keep the body section consistent with numerous findings that repel your audience. 

conclusion is the last part of an essay outline. Writing an essay’s conclusion ends the discussion on a particular topic and answers the questions. An author restates their thesis and findings and tries to persuade the audience to accept their opinion one last time.

Start Writing an Introduction of the Essay

After completing your outline structure, start writing the first or introduction paragraph of a 1000 words essay. Writing an introduction for an essay consist of three parts mentioned below. These parts are pivotal in conveying your message in the introductory paragraph.

  1. Hook sentence
  2. Background information
  3. Thesis Statement

A hook is the first sentence of the introduction that captures the audience’s attention. It’s a short statement that can be a quote from a book, a personal experience or a famous person’s words. The main purpose of a hook is to intrigue your audience emotionally and pique their interest in the essay’s topic. A hook ensures your readers feel the compelling powers of the essay and read it till the end.

The background information contains previous research on the topic. Your readers learn about the topic from a historical point of view. This way, they know how persistent and prevalent the topic is. Background knowledge enlightens the readers and throws light on the immediate resolution of its effects.

A thesis statement is a remedy or solution to the topic’s discussion. An author must conduct qualitative and quantitative research to formulate a thesis statement. Your entire essay of 1000 words depends on and is based on this statement. Therefore, you need to make it as solid as possible. 

Cluster All your Findings & Arguments in Body Paragraph

The next step is to add all your findings, research and arguments based on the findings into the body paragraph. A golden rule of thumb is to add details chronologically and write the most relevant and updated evidence in the final sentences of the essay. Present each argument with supporting evidence and add the conversation to your narrative. 

You also need to include counter-arguments or antitheses that contradict your findings. This way, you can easily defend your case and win your audience’s trust by being neutral and unbiased in presenting your case. 

Close The Entire Debate in Conclusion 

The next part of writing a 1000 words essay in an easy way is to conclude your arguments in conclusion. You need to restate your thesis statement in a more persuasive tone for the audience. Summarize the main points into a short version and provide a holistic picture of your arguments. Finally, give concluding remarks that endorse your stance and end your essay writing process.

Proofread, Edit & Submit for Evaluation

Lastly, proofread your 1000 words essay from an expert such as your college professor, a friend or a classmate. To have a genuine unbiased opinion on your assignment, it’s important to have a second set of eyes reviewing your work. This way, they can highlight a key mistake you are aware of.

After receiving the suggestions, edit your essay and replace the mistakes with perfect and logical sentences. Revise the assignment again to evaluate its content quality and coherence throughout the write-up. Submit for grade awarding evaluation from your class teacher.

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How to Write 1000 Words in 60 Minutes?

Writing a 1000 words essay in 60 minutes is difficult, especially if you are new or have just joined the college. Here we will share some important steps to help you make a schedule and divide the essay into perfect parts. Let’s teach you how to write 1000 words in 60 minutes for a college essay.

Schedule for writing 1000 words in 60 minutes

The first step we encourage students to take is to divide their time into small chunks and divide each essay writing part a time slot. Check the following table of content on how you can achieve this feat in sixty minutes or one hour.

Essay Writing Steps (divided by time allocationTime Slot for Each Part
Topic selection according to essay prompt3 minutes (minimum), 5 minutes (maximum)
Topic research8 minutes (minimum), 15 minutes (maximum)
Forming an outline3 minutes (minimum), 5 minutes (maximum)
Introduction writing5 minutes (minimum), 7 minutes (maximum)
Formulating arguments into body paragraph5minutes(minimum), 10 minutes (maximum)
Concluding the discussion in conclusion3 minutes (minimum), 5 minutes (maximum)
Revision, edits on first draft2 minutes (minimum), 4 minutes (maximum)
Making a new draft with zero mistakes5 minutes (minimum), 7 minutes (maximum)
Total Time= 60 minutesAchieved in time= 34 minutes (Minimum),
58 minutes (Maximum)

This time schedule for writing 1000 words in sixty minutes provides an overview on how you can compose an essay promptly with finesse.

What is the Smart Technique of Saving Time While Writing a 1000 Words Long Essay?

There are many steps or smart techniques to save time while writing a 1000 word essay. Look at the following techniques our expert essay writers use to save time.

Take Inspiration from Written Content

The best way to write is to check already written content on the topic you have chosen for your assignment. This way, you will have a clear idea of what a topic or write-up requires from you. If much of the details you have gathered are already available, you can modify them with new words and add value for the readers.

Allocate Time to Each Task

The second step for saving time is to allot a specific time to each writing task. Students should divide time into three segments: research, writing and proofreading. This way, you can complete the assignment on time and keep track of your progress.

Use Essay Writing Services for Composing, Edits or Both

The third step of saving time and meeting deadlines is to take help from assignment writing service. You can use expert essay or assignment writers to do your work and make your assignment bulletproof. If you have already completed your work, you can ask experts to proofread your work. This way, your essay will be evaluated and edited, and relevant content will be added. 

Following the abovementioned steps, you can easily save valuable time for other projects and always complete work on time.


Students need to know how long does it take to write 1000 words for assignments and college papers. Having complete information not only helps in making your work more effective but honing your skills as well. Students can use their time more efficiently and effectively by following the steps and techniques mentioned in this blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is an essay?

An essay can be as long as required by your educational institution. Typically students are given assignments ranging from 1000 words to 5000 words.

How long is short essay?

A short essay is 250 words essay or one page in length.

How many paragraphs is 1000 words?

A 1000 words essay can have paragraphs as many as required by the author. Students may divide the essay into three paragraphs: introduction, body and conclusion.

How long does it take to read 1000 words?

It varies on the speed of an individual’s reading and speech abilities. On average, a person may read 1000 words in less than 10 minutes.

How much is 1000 words?

1000 words are almost 4 pages if double spaced, and 2.5 pages with single space format.


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