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200+ Trendy Biology Research Topics for Biology Students

We know writing a good biology paper isn’t a piece of cake for everyone. A little field knowledge is mandatory, or you will have a tough time writing one. Speaking of which, you have to start with a good topic so your final piece can outshine, and if we are guessing it right, you are having difficulty with that.

Don’t worry, even for a fraction of a second, as we have some good topics to get you on the right track to writing an excellent biology research paper.

Top Biology Research Topics for College Students

You ought to fill your biological research paper with sufficient facts and must keep it engaging for the readers. Like writing any other research paper, this one also needs you to start with a good topic. Below is our first list of top biology research topics you can consider for your assignment: 

Excellent Biology Research Topics 

  • The symptoms of coronavirus
  • Causes and Evolution of coronavirus
  • The causes of Ebola and its symptoms
  • Discussing the animal’s world immortality
  • The good and the bad of human memory
  • Things to know about organ transplantation
  • Explain the rare genetic disorders
  • Can you call obesity hereditary?
  • Rare genetic disorders you should know
  • Human hormones and how they influence
  • Basics of Cloning – what do we need to know?
  • The biological effects of pollution
  • Discussing the gestation periods in mammals
  • Diseases of the immune system
  • Human reproduction relationship connection with hormonal control
  • Drug addiction and its science
  • The advantages of vaccination
  • Controlling infectious diseases

Still, need help finding a good topic here? Fear not, as we have a few more in the lists below. So let’s head straight to reading interesting biology research topics.

Interesting Biology Research Topics 

Certainly, your teacher and your readers will appreciate the interesting biology research paper more. We have a list of our writers’ favorite biology research topics for you to consider.

  • What are the types of cell reproduction?
  • The discovery of heredity by Gregor Mendel
  • Eukaryotes vs. Prokaryotes
  • The importance of enzymes
  • Process of photosynthesis converting o2 into co2
  • The function of human metabolism
  • Difference between mitosis and meiosis.
  • Probability of inheriting a gene.
  • The structure of DNA and RNA
  • The use of PCR
  • Biotechnology and its use
  • The life tree – Relationships between species
  • Different strategies organisms use to get nutrition
  • The modern relatives of dinosaurs
  • Ways the nervous system used to transport information
  • Mechanisms of the carbon cycle
  • Resisting the development of microbes
  • The defense mechanisms of the immune system
  • Microbiome and its types
  • Microbiology and its industrial applications
  • Different ways of degrading soil pollutants
  • Agents that kill bacteria
  • The versatility of yeast
  • Viroids and virions – what are the differences?
  • Acellular agents – what do you need to know
  • Fungi and its biochemical properties
  • Asthma and its possible causes
  • How is immune system performance affected by stress?
  • Working of vaccines
  • Archaeal genes and their structure
  • The importance of microbial diversity

New Biology Research Topics 

Want to stay with the trends in writing a biology research paper? Check this list of new biology research topics.

  • The importance of specific hormones
  • The influence of hormones on the mind and behavior
  • The connection between hormones and depression
  • Pregnancy and hormonal changes
  • Psychological Disorders – Everything you need to know Bipolar disorder
  • Things you should know about Current Oxytocin Science
  • Discussing Fear Reaction and Oxytocin
  • Hormones and Human Behavior
  • Rising demand for the new DNA Technologies
  • Hormonal Therapy Influence – What do you need to know
  • Metabolism and Endocrinology
  • What do you need to know about steroid hormones
  • How can cardio exercises influence hormones?
  • Treating psychopathic disorders with Oxytocin
  • The influence of hormones on women’s health
  • Genetics and its history
  • The treatment of genetic disorders
  • Analysis of DNA
  • DNA-modified organisms
  • The structure of DNA
  • Experimenting with stem cells and their ethical aspects
  • What role do genes play in depression?
  • Feminist ideology regarding abortion
  • Abortion and its biological insights
  • The factors of Genetic Mutation
  • Impact of public opinion on scientific progress
  • How is homosexuality related to genetics?
  • Behavioral genetics – Things you should know
  • Shedding light on Cytogenetic
  • What is Epigenetics?
  • Amplification and DNA cloning in Molecular Genetics

Unique Biology Research Topics 

If you want your final piece to read uniquely, you can consider a topic for this list.

  • The use of molecular biology in cancer treatment
  • Stem cell treatment in medicine
  • How are genetically modified crops playing a role in the economy
  • Conducting molecular biology
  • The phenomenon of behavioral epigenetics
  • Genome evolution
  • Pharmacogenetics vs. Pharmacogenomics
  • How do antibiotics affect the cells?
  • Food intolerances – Biological Reasons
  • How are molecular chaperones playing a role in polypeptide folding?
  • Insulin and production of growth hormones in genetic engineering.
  • The difference between genomics and genetics
  • The role of cell development in neuroscience
  • Robotic technologies and neuroscience
  • Memory and the brain
  • Visual-motor coordination
  • Brian’s injuries and disorders
  • What genetic defects contribute to Schizophrenia?
  • Genes and proteins in neurons functioning
  • Cognitive neuroscience
  • Gut Bacteria and Anxiety
  • Migraine and its causes
  • The self-repairing capabilities of the brain
  • Neurobiology innovations
  • Ways to improve the human memory
  • Gut bacteria connection with depression
  • Sleep in Neurobiology
  • The impact of stem-cell therapy
  • Negative consequences of neurosurgery
  • Degenerative brain disorder
  • Optogenetic Excitation

Trendy Biology Research Topics 

  • The influence of ecological and evolutionary factors on animal behavior
  • How does environmental change play a role in the diversity of species?
  • The threat of global warming
  • Environmental psychology – What do you need to know
  • Discussing the problem of extinction
  • Protection of rare species
  • Wildlife protection
  • Biodiversity and climate change
  • Discuss the oil spill effects on ocean wildlife
  • The real truth behind the extinction of bees
  • Sustainability in biology
  • Environmental pollution and renewable energy
  • The advantages and disadvantages of organic farming
  • The bloom of toxic algae
  • The bioremediation phenomenon
  • Bioremediation innovations
  • Groundwater bioremediation
  • Factors to consider in animal growth
  • Food sustainability and animal science
  • Wild animals projects
  • Sea animals and the camouflage mechanism
  • Veganism’s influence on meat production
  • How is the fashion industry playing a role in animal abuse?
  • Testing beauty products on animals
  • Obesity and home pets
  • Plant pathology prevention measures
  • Resistance of plants to natural diseases
  • Influence of fertilizers on plants
  • Invasive and weedy plants – Things you should know
  • Functions of photosynthesis
  • The use of modern technology in managing plant diseases
  • Resistance of plants to natural diseases.’
  • Current genomic tools and plant-associated microbes
  • Microbial Evolution and microbial ecology
  • The moral aspect of Cloning
  • Various types of Cloning
  • Recent developments in human cloning science
  • Ethical issues linked to Cloning
  • Basic principles of human Cloning
  • The usefulness of DNA-based Cloning in the medical field.
  • Ways to improve metabolism
  • Roles of different hormones in our body
  • Constant depression and hormone disorder
  • Hormonal disorders and psychopathic disorders
  • Top methods of hormonal therapy
  • Reasons and treatment of a bipolar disorder
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Hot Biology Research Topics 

  • How can Ebola be used as a biological weapon?
  • The concept of cell tissue engineering
  • The effect of miscarriage on women’s health
  • How clean water helps in preventing diseases
  • The possibility of enhancing brain power
  • Environmental pollution and cancer rate
  • Different ways of slowing down the aging
  • Coral reef biology and its implications
  • The role of cell biology in fighting Alzheimer
  • What are the marine life sea challenges
  • The effect of sleep and wake-up cycles on human learning
  • Paleo diet effects on athletes’ performance
  • The causes of allergic responses
  • Cellular structure and function
  • Different forms of tissue engineering
  • Use of regenerative drugs in tissue engineering
  • Discussing the cellular metabolism
  • Effective pandemic-fighting tactics
  • The comparison of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
  • The importance of enzymes
  • The process of photosynthesis
  • Compare meiosis and mitosis
  • Gene inheritance – things you should know
  • Human DNA – Main Structure
  • The use of PCR tests
  • Cloning in a modern world
  • The importance of natural selection
  • Nervous system and the process of transporting information
  • The possibility of controlling the human population
  • The functions of the respiratory system
  • How does the body react to anemic disease?
  • What can osteologists learn from human bones?
  • Modern trends in nutrition
  • How does the human brain control our behavior?
  • The structure of synapses
  • The functioning of kidneys
  • The working of human muscles
  • Reproductive technologies affect on human population
  • The importance of the cerebral cortex
  • The content of human blood

Most Preferred Biology Research Topics 

  • Cancer’s effect on cell growth
  • How much protein does the human body need?
  • The healing process of our bones
  • Stem cell research – Is it ethical?
  • Cells communicate with each other
  • The connection between human DNA and the environment
  • Trends in biochemistry
  • The possibility of reversing the aging process
  • The axon guidance – what should you know
  • Discussing the human brain’s capability of keeping memories
  • How cancer affects our cells?
  • The importance of cells movement
  • What is cell research, and why is it important?
  • Main parts of the cell and their role
  • The modern analysis of cell
  • Important and complex cells
  • Different methods of healing prion disease
  • The pathogenesis of fever
  • Unique and repetitive gene role
  • The cause of myeloid leukemia
  • DNA Repairing cycle
  • Is surgery the only option to heal glaucoma?
  • The importance of microtubules
  • The possibility of tracing DNA
  • Protein biosynthesis process
  • DNA research in the treatment of different diseases
  • The working of a nervous system

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Great Biology Research Topics

  • Why is the probability of cancer higher in older people? 
  • The complexities of fighting cancer 
  • Can a gene transmit alcoholism?
  • The science of genetic drift 
  • The causes of cancer 
  • Are elephants the biggest animals on our planet? 
  • The main process of Evolution in the animal world 
  • Speciation – How does it work?
  • The difference between modern people and those who lived million years ago. 
  • Compare the process of Evolution for different organisms
  • Biotechnology and its types 
  • Biochemistry and its main branches 
  • Gene therapy – Pros and Cons 
  • Astrobiology vs. Exobiology 
  • Discussing various biological functions of DNA 
  • Different levels of biological organization 
  • Phylogenetic tree properties 
  • Explain the classification of invertebrate animals 
  • Understanding the phenomenon of plant systematics 
  • Respiratory system and its functions 
  • The condition of the human body in anemic 
  • The history of the human population 
  • Understanding the medical anthropology 
  • The current trends in human nutrition and dietetics 
  • Blood filtering in the kidneys. 
  • The regulation of muscle contraction 
  • New reproductive technologies 
  • The structure of a skeletal muscle fiber 
  • The functioning of the cerebral cortex 
  • Brain and emotions 
  • What does human blood contain? 
  • How much is protein intake sufficient? 
  • Do cells heal bones? 
  • Our DNA and the environment 
  • Recent developments in molecular biochemistry 
  • Telomerase and its role in reversing age
  • The axon guidance – what do you need to know 

Interesting Biology Research Topics 

  • The impact of deforestation on species
  • Desertification consequences
  • The influence of genetically modified insects on the environment
  • Different ways to dispose of wastewater
  • What do worms tell about the ecosystem state?
  • The importance of conserving biodiversity
  • How is DDT affecting wildlife in the US?
  • The impact of genetically engineered crops on the environment
  • Causes and risks of indoor air pollution
  • The effect of natural gas on human health
  • Tracing the ecological footprint of cotton production
  • Luminescence in marine vertebrae
  • How do dolphins communicate?
  • Military sonar’s impact on whales
  • Various camouflage techniques of marine animals.’
  • Discuss high mercury concentration in fish
  • The effect of rising sea temperatures on marine life
  • Contrasting strategies of different penguin species
  • The role of bacteria in biological processes in the sea
  • Different types of invasive species
  • Birds and their contribution to the stability of a marine ecosystem
  • Marine biodiversity and its threats
  • Starfish and its predatory behavior
  • The Evolution of whales
  • The defense mechanisms of flowers
  • The advantages of leaf loss
  • Different ways butterworts acquire nutrition
  • Different methods carnivorous plants use to lure a prey
  • Discuss the negative feedback on plants
  • How does thigmotropism work?
  • The anatomical structure of plant roots – what should you know
  • How phytohormones influence a plant’s growth
  • The production of starch in plants
  • The excessive growth of weeds
  • Plant disease management
  • How do cacti survive in the desert?
  • The biological properties of medicinal herbs

Excellent Biology Research Topics 

  • Why colorblindness is more common in men than women
  • Discuss phylogenetic niche conservatism
  • The origination of congenital disorders
  • Reasons for the birds to become territorial
  • Different types of developmental mechanisms
  • Shedding light on homeotic genes
  • Advantages of apoptosis
  • The causes of polycephaly
  • Investigating hydra regeneration
  • Metamorphosis in frogs
  • Discuss the Cambrian explosion
  • Production of new structures in plants
  • The process of neurulation in fish
  • The various types of deformations in plants
  • ABC model of flower development
  • Medical knowledge in ancient China
  • Origin of life – Different theories of Greek Philosophers
  • Classification of animals as per Aristotle
  • An overview of Galen’s Medical Writings
  • The causes of stagnation in scientific progress
  • Relationships between organisms as per Al-JAHIZ’S discovery
  • Albertus Magnus’s contribution to botany
  • Can we call Italy the center for biological studies?
  • Factors impacting the development of biology
  • The origin of modern anatomy
  • Establishment of cell theory
  • The invention of the microscope
  • Discuss the dismissal of spontaneous generation
  • Discovery of heredity influence in modern biology
  • The discovery of blood circulation
  • The impact of the Royal Society of London on scientific development in Europe
  • Biotechnology in the 20th Century
  • How is bioinformatics boosting the progress of genetic data analysis

Our comprehensive lists of Bio research topics not only helped many students but also saved them from draining their energy on hunting a assignment writing help as you can begin writing one yourself. Sounds good, right! 

Take Away 

We hope you have a topic on which to start writing your biological research paper now. Still, if you need an expert to write your biology research assignment, don’t hesitate to click on order now, as one of our professional writers will take care of it for you.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of biological research? What are the different steps of writing a biology research paper? What are the Five best molecular biology topics? What are the three easy biological research topics? What are the different types of research methods?
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