How to Write a Character Analysis Essay Appropriately
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How to Write a Character Analysis Essay Appropriately

Character analysis essay requires students to read and observe a character deeply. They must delve thoroughly into a character’s attributes that make them different. Students need to have a clear purpose in their minds to make an impression by using writing service. This thorough guide will help students compose a compelling character analysis essay for top grades.

What is a Character Analysis Essay and Why Do Students Think It’s Difficult?

A character analysis assignment is a difficult task given to students so they can evaluate a character thoroughly. This requires them to read, observe and write about a personality and its qualities. The traits highlighted in the essay are physical appearance, weaknesses and strengths. 

These assignments take time to complete because they require ample time. Similarly, students need to read the complete book or a movie to completely understand the person of interest. A command of the subject or person and its character analysis is required to fulfill the audience’s needs.

Uncovering the Mystery Steps for Writing a Character Analysis Essay

how to write a character analysis?

You need to follow many steps to compose a solid essay about a character. These tactics involve reading, making an outline, selecting a character and many more. Here we will mention some top-secret course of action to make your essay a shining star. 

Let’s focus on the necessary steps required for this undertaking.

Read the Book Completely

The first step any student needs to take is to read the story from start to finish. It will not only clear their mind but helps them make critical character selection decisions. Reading the text makes students aware of the key details that make each character unique and important. Reading also helps sharpen the observation and plays a key role in successful outcomes. 

Furthermore, after you finish reading, take some rest and read again. This will further strengthen your understanding of the character you choose for analysis. For great writeups, students may opt for a better option such as a assignment writing service that eases their burden.

Choose a Strong and Interesting Character

The step of this assignment is to choose a strong and bold character for your essay. Many definitions describe a personality such as brave or coward etc. For a character essay, your selected personality must have the following characteristics. 

Brave or Coward

Choosing a character takes work at first. Students must look for the attributes that make their characters unique. These characteristics include being brave or opposite such as being cowardly or evil. A prominent character or personality has one of these qualities that makes them likable or hated.

A Fighter/Rebel

While choosing your favorite or main character of the book, it’s also important to evaluate aspects. The character should be a fighter or a rebel that challenges the norms of society by being resilient. Furthermore, an essay focusing on these traits has a higher chance of taking top grades.

Character’s Relationship with Others

It’s also vital to select your character that honest people surround. They might be in the guise of friends, family members, a mentor etc. A character that has these relationships is considered closer to reality. 

Gradual Development of Character 

One aspect that should be considered in choosing a personality that develops over time. Any character that has the capacity for gradual development entices the audience. 

Write Down the Details

Taking notes is a good habit when learning how to write a character analysis essay. When you start reading about a person or character, make notes. Taking notes helps in defining the main character’s objectives and aspirations etc.

Mention Reasons for Selection

While writing, students need to mention why a certain character is best for analysis. Solid reasons that justify the essay’s objective inform the audience of the writer’s intent. It provides reasons to the audience why the character is in the spotlight. 

Questions You Should Answer in a Character Analysis

There are many questions students need to answer in their analysis essay. We will discuss these in detail and how they can be answered precisely. 

Who is your character?

Before writing about a character, you must define what your character is. Is the person a protagonist, antagonist, major or minor one? This will help you define a character’s role and scope. 

What’s the physical appearance of the character?

The second question that needs an answer is the physical appearance of them. A character analysis is incomplete if it’s devoid of physical appearance. You can define their looks as beautiful, ugly, thin or fat. 

What’s the background and occupation of the character?

The third question that needs to be answered is providing appropriate information about a character’s background. Also, provide thorough information on the occupation as well. Your favorite character might be a carpenter, thief, businessperson, politician etc. The audience should have all the knowledge of the character.

What are the achievements of the person in the spotlight?

While composing, students need to write about the achievements of their selected character. This way, the audience is enlightened about the overall background and aims of the character.

Is the character emotional?

Students also need to briefly describe the character in emotional detail, such as optimistic, pessimistic, angry, annoyed or joyful. Emotionally intelligent characters are the audience’s favorite ones.

How do the characters adapt to the changing environment or story?

In character analysis, you must also write how the story character changes when circumstances change. Also, it would be best to mention what they learned during the transition. 

Writing a Character Analysis Introduction

After completing the previous steps, it’s time to write the introductory paragraph of the character review essay. An intro is the first part of the essay that introduces your favorite character to your audience. Composing can be started using a hook sentence, thesis statement and background information about the topic. 

A hook sentence about the character will arouse the interest of the audience. A thesis statement is your perspective that will shed light on your chosen personality. You will share key details about the topic and its context in background information.

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Explaining the Character Thoroughly in Body Paragraph

As soon as you complete the introduction, add your findings to the body paragraph. It’s the most important part of the essay, and all the questions should be answered here. You can write it from the beginning of the character’s inception to its demise, how that character develops over the years, learns things, etc. 

Similarly, students should be able to examine and present their findings on the character critically. Critical findings and observations help the audience to understand the person of interest from a 360-degree perspective.

Reinstate your Thesis Statement in the Conclusion

The last part you must know about how to write a character analysis essay is concluding the assignment. You need to summarize the essay’s main points and connect them with your thesis statement. Your audience is satisfied when they get a sense of closure on the topic. Therefore, it must be concise, meaningful and less wordy.

What are the Types of Characters in a Story or a Book?

what are the types of characters in a story or a book

A storybook has many types of characters, each playing an important role. The most common types are mentioned below, which you’ll find in every book.


The protagonist is the main character of the story, and everything and the story is focused on this personality. Also, the protagonist must have courage and determination, unlike anyone else in the story. This is why they are the solution to the problem, a messiah and a last hope of change. 


An antagonist is a character that works opposite to the protagonist. It can be one person or a group working against the hero or protagonist. The main job of the antagonist is to topple or create hurdles for the protagonist throughout the story. Typically this character is the most hated one in the eyes of the audience.

Major Character

Major characters are the ones that work with protagonists and antagonists. They support both characters from beginning to end and shape their character. After the two main characters, they are the most relevant ones. Major characters can be a mentor, father, mother, wife, children, husband or a close friend of the protagonist and antagonist.

Minor Character

Just like the name suggests, they play a small role in the story and are less interesting than the major characters. Their role doesn’t progress over time and remains constant throughout the story. These characters are barely noticeable, and choosing one is unwise for an analysis essay. 


We have given you all the key steps to write a character analysis essay in 8 steps. Following these guidelines, you can compose an outstanding essay for your college assignments. Understanding the assignment requirement is essential for students for a spotless write-up.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a character analysis essay?

A character analysis essay is the examination of a character from a critical point of view. A student must observe a specific character and write their opinion on them.

How to choose a character for writing an essay?

Students may read a book or watch a movie thoroughly and then select a character that is dynamic and fulfills the criteria. Additionally, a character should be a major character, protagonist or antagonist that plays a vital role in developing the narrative.

What are the 5 things needed for character analysis?

Five essential pieces of information needed for a character analysis are the following.

  1. Character information (protagonist, antagonist etc)
  2. Physical appearance details
  3. Values and type of personality (introvert, extrovert, clever, wise, talkative etc)
  4. Occupation and circle of friends or people around them
  5. Growth in changing environment and resilience

Why character analysis is important?

A character analysis plays a pivotal role in our understanding of a person or a society. It helps to find out why someone has taken a certain action or a step and what is the motive behind it. It also shows the psychological aspects of a character and their perception of the world.

What are the parts of a character analysis essay?

The basic parts of a character analysis essay are following;

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph
  • Conclusion


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