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200+ Nursing Research Topics for an Ideal Research Paper

Where can you find nursing research topics to begin writing your research paper? Hold on, as we have a whole list for you to consider. Finding a decent topic can be daunting, but not when reading this expert write-up. That’s right; we have some great lists of unique nursing research topics to start writing your research paper immediately.

Exciting and Unique Nursing Research Topics You Are Looking to Write a Good Research Paper

It takes work to get going with a nursing research paper right away. Yes, it takes some research skills and an excellent topic to get you on the right track. So, without further ado, let’s start reading our first list of unique nursing research topics:

Unique Nursing Research Topics

This list contains our writers’ favorite nursing research topics. Hover your eyes, as we are confident you’ll find an excellent topic or two for your nursing research paper.

  • Relationship between nursing care and patient’s recovery rate
  • The connection between cost and nursing care quality
  • Irritable patient behavior – what causes them?
  • The role that technology plays in improving the healthcare system
  • Relationship between vaccines and immunizations
  • Coronavirus effect on nursing practices and protocols
  • Discussing the functions of a ventilator
  • Home-based healthcare system – Benefits and shortcomings
  • Standard operating procedures in accident emergency
  • Treating headaches without consulting a doctor
  • Disadvantages of taking prescriptions from the chemists
  • Can Ph.D. holders serve as nurses?
  • Ways to remain healthy without visiting a hospital
  • Why nursing unions are justified to fight for their rights
  • The importance of teamwork in the nursing
  • Reducing heart attack chances in obese patients
  • How to make a reluctant patient eat?
  • Why is a depression on the rise among youths
  • The use of robots in the nursing profession
  • Different ways a post-surgery could accelerate recovery
  • Consequences of a doctor making a wrong diagnosis
  • The importance of oxygen mask during surgery
  • Other ways to take care of amputated body organs
  • For how long should a patient stay in the hospital after surgery
  • Treating patients who are in shock
  • Necessary skills a nurse must have
  • Preventing reinfection of contagious diseases in a hospital

Trendy Nursing Research Topics

Want to stay with the trends in your nursing research paper? Try out a topic from this list.

  • The best nursing schools around the globe
  • Reasons you should advance your nursing degree
  • Challenges a nurse face in her career
  • Can we regard nursing as a high-paying job?
  • Things to consider before opting for a nursing course
  • Privileges of a nursing career
  • Ways a nurse deal with stress at work
  • Managing an open wound during surgery
  • Are nursing interns overburdened?
  • Caring for cancer patients at home
  • What causes obesity in patients
  • Seeking herbal medical care
  • Palliative skills association with nursing care
  • The burn-out in the nursing profession
  • Studying pain management in pediatric nursing
  • Different ways to make reluctant elderly eat
  • Managing severe cases of time
  • Nursing via non-verbal communication
  • Ways to negate the stress factor in nursing practice
  • A negative perception of people about the nursing field
  • Procedures to follow for treating a person with a mental health condition
  • The importance of a healthy diet
  • The best therapy for the elderly
  • Laughter therapy and its effects
  • The holistic practice of nursing
  • The usefulness of a conceptual nursing model
  • Significance of reflection in the nursing practice
  • Various theories of nursing and their importance
  • Using Logan Ropar Tierney’s model in nursing practice
  • The best model that each nursing student should follow
  • Nurses’ role in treating people with mental health conditions
  • Is it true that the future of healthcare lies with nurses?
  • The work ethic of nurses
  • The benefits of choosing a home-based nursing service
  • Advancement of technology in the nursing industry
  • The competition between registered nurses
  • Development and education programs for nurses at work
  • Understanding patients’ communication skills as a nurse
  • Nurses’ efficiency in the community
  • Spiritual recognition and personal development as a nurse
  • Managing patients in the intensive healthcare units
  • Effectively managing patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Treating acute ischemic stroke
  • Treating drug dependence in prisons
  • Chronic and acute pain management in patients

Great Nursing Research Topics

  • Clinical management of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases
  • The problem of drinking water contamination in developing countries
  • Public health policy for controlling obesity in children
  • How poverty is playing a role in childhood diseases
  • The practice of community nursing
  • The role of nurses in caring elderly with chronic diseases
  • Healthcare needs and community nursing in different cities
  • High-risk pregnancies and the role of midwives
  • Obstetric and social support during pregnancy
  • Strategic management perspective of international health organizations
  • Health and cost plans of countries around the world
  • Guidelines for promoting the quality health
  • Discussing evidence-based nursing programs for health needs
  • The use of tests in clinical practice
  • Different methods of preventing work-related illness and injuries for nurses
  • Health concerns for nurses during increased work pressure
  • Occupational stress in the nursing profession 
  • Mental health problems in rural and urban societies
  • How is unemployment a factor in aggravating mental health problems
  • Socioeconomic levels of individuals
  • Mental illness and suicide in the urban youth population
  • Analyzing the legal aspects of mental health research
  • Nursing theories and clinical decision making
  • The concept of the comprehensive nursing model as per the McGill Nursing Model
  • Making use of nursing theories and models in the clinical interventions

Brilliant Nursing Research Topics

  • Evaluation of critical care nursing
  • The challenge of managing chronic disease management
  • The advantages of a healthy diet
  • Ways to treat stress medically
  • The fundamental causes of heart attack
  • The ethics of assisted suicide
  • Comparative analysis of nursing homes and home care
  • Effective methods of treating cardiovascular issues
  • Primary responsibilities of a nurse
  • The essentials of direct patient care
  • Main reasons for heart diseases
  • The efficacy of telemedicine
  • Information noise of the modern world
  • Causes of ADHD and its treatment
  • Social media effects on eating disorder
  • Discussing the speech disorders therapy
  • Techniques to monitor asthma in children
  • Understanding metabolic syndrome
  • Women sleep disorders – what do you need to know
  • Effective ways of treating Headaches in adults
  • Treatment of the acute coronary syndrome
  • How is age affecting the human immune system?
  • The treatment and prevention of dehydration
  • What causes anxiety disorders?
  • Innovations in clinical cardiology
  • The importance of weight loss programs
  • What do you need to know about mirror therapy?
  • The effectiveness of weight and obesity management programs
  • Diversity in the healthcare
  • Maternal practices in rural areas
  • Analysis of the first antenatal appointment
  • Challenges of gestational weight gain
  • The case study of birth experience
  • Analyzing childbirth efficacy
  • Discussing hypoglycemia in the infants
  • Different ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases
  • Things we should know about bladder cancer therapy
  • Blood pressure controlling in elderly people
  • Different types of diabetes
  • The significance of sports medicines
  • Other forms of treating restless legs syndrome
  • Ways to deal with a sleep disorder
  • The treatment of late-life depression
  • Innovative solutions to cope with the nursing shortage
  • The importance of entrepreneur education in nursing professionals
  • A positive effect of the nursing home on the quality care improvement
  • What is the role of nursing in a patient’s recovery 

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Top Nursing Research Topics

Indeed, pick a topic from here if you want your nursing research paper to stay at the top of all. 

  • Evaluating primary patient care
  • Evaluation of the healthcare diversity
  • Infant care psychological aspects
  • Eating disorders in children
  • Ways to handle the mental and emotional health of kids
  • Essentials of pediatric aid
  • Children’s expectations from pediatric nurses
  • What causes a seizure in infants?
  • The disorders caused by alcohol addiction
  • Main causes of depression
  • Recovery methods for physical traumas
  • Ethics of psychiatric patient
  • Preventing Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • How stress affects a childhood metabolism?
  • Obesity in adolescents – How to avoid it?
  • Influence of social media on teen food choices
  • How healthcare policy addresses patient nutrition problem
  • Fighting obesity with healthy eating
  • Sound nutrition effects on the fetal development
  • What are the root causes of weight gain?
  • Common diseases that poor nutrition causes.
  • Proper nutrition during pregnancy
  • What diet cause the development of dementia in adults
  • How diet plays a role in healthy aging
  • Relationship between diet and cancer
  • Parents’ role in maintaining eating habits in children 
  • How is cognitive development related to healthy eating
  • Youth nutrition – what are the modern trends
  • How is nursing important in mental health safety?
  • Do video games play a role in developing teenage aggression?
  • Various theories of mental health studies
  • Ways to prevent drug addiction
  • The use of psychotherapy
  • Methods to tackle health imbalances
  • How is phone usage linked to mental health?
  • Different techniques of brain stimulation
  • Treating mental illness with traditional methods
  • The mental health of war veterans
  • Depression and increased risk of cancer
  • Treatments of dementia
  • Victims of violence
  • Nurse’s role in helping a patient recover after the stroke
  • Using antipsychotics – Benefits and Harms
  • Benefits and harms of using antipsychotics
  • Fighting residual stomach volume
  • Financial management in the healthcare system
  • The economic component of primary healthcare

Good Nursing Research Topics

  • Primary healthcare economic component
  • Biasedness in healthcare funding
  • Ways to properly organize healthcare at home
  • Unified Nursing Code – why is it important?
  • How risk management affects healthcare projects?
  • Health management gender policy
  • Private medical practice and its features
  • Discussing the apology law – why it is essential?
  • Medical marijuana and its features
  • Healthcare contracts and their features
  • Human resources problem in the healthcare industry
  • Reasons for the shortage of men in healthcare
  • Improving the minimum level of nursing training
  • Trends in healthcare management
  • Rules for a nursing staff uniform
  • Conflict management in healthcare
  • Different ways of dealing with staffing problems in the healthcare
  • How to keep yourself safe from infectious diseases?
  • Ways to improve the emotional health of employees
  • The danger of not having enough nursing staff
  • The importance of international nursing training
  • Management in healthcare facilities
  • Nursing promotions – what do you need to know
  • Ethical values in the nursing decision-making process
  • The phenomenon of phantom pain
  • Cultural perception in the field of nursing
  • The effect of religious beliefs on medical ethics
  • Resolving moral dilemmas in nursing
  • Hospital work ethics and their importance
  • The usage of marijuana for medical purposes
  • Implementing medical ethics standards for healthcare development
  • Ways to monitor medical ethics compliance

Hot Nursing Research Topics

  • The role of leadership in nursing
  • Nursing role in quality healthcare
  • Importance of medical conferences for nurses
  • Classification of nurses and its importance
  • Retention strategy for experienced nurses
  • The importance of nursing leadership development
  • Obtaining a diploma in nursing
  • Challenges and opportunities of nursing leadership
  • Safeguarding staff interests in nursing management
  • Analysis of nursing leadership experience
  • Betty Newman Theory
  • Intuitiveness in the workplace
  • Professional practice in nursing
  • The modern approaches to nursing leadership
  • Effective nursing leadership – Fundamental theories
  • Effective nursing leadership
  • The process of delegating authority in the field of nursing
  • Methods of retaining experienced staff in nursing

Interesting Nursing Research Topics

  • Evaluation of critical nursing care
  • Significant reasons for heart attack
  • Managing stress and information surcharge
  • The advantages of a healthy diet
  • The challenges of managing chronic disease
  • The difference between home care and nursing homes
  • Critical roles of nurses in teaching self-care
  • Leading causes of anxiety disorders in patients
  • Medical contracts limitations
  • Dealing with high levels of stress
  • Ways of reducing body temperatures in households
  • The importance of gyno education in young girls
  • Different roles of nurses
  • The medical field diversity
  • Problems with menopause
  • Moral factors linked with euthanasia
  • Best ways of tacking stress during night shifts
  • The symptoms of bipolar disorder
  • Causes of Type II diabetes
  • Ways to effectively recover from physical trauma
  • The best approach to treating insomnia
  • The future of medicine and healthcare
  • Effective methods of treating migraine 
  • Reasons why the healthcare system should be globally free
  • Discussing if nurses should receive motivational packages or not.
  • Is it justified for nurses to go on strike?
  • The difference between doctors and nurses
  • Are nurses being underpaid?
  • Importance of advancing their education for nurses

We are happy to inform you about the fantastic online nursing assignment help that you can avail of today. So feel free to pick a topic of your choice of even leave this too for our experts.

Take Away

Hopefully, you now have made up your mind for which topic you will pick from our nursing research topics to use in your nursing research paper. If you need help, you can get that from our professionals by tapping the order now.

Frequently Asked Questions
How is a nursing research paper structured? What are the three new nursing research topics related to childcare? What is the importance of nursing research? What are the primary responsibilities of nurses in healthcare? What are the three exciting nursing research topics?
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