Persuasive Essay Categorization and Ideas for Everyone.
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Persuasive Essay Categorization to Help You Succeed

This blog covers the best persuasive writing examples to help you succeed in your respective fields. Persuasive writing is all about convincing others of a certain point of view. Businesses, writers, authors, columnists, students, and almost everyone can take advantage of the art of persuasion.

Persuasive essays are written with different approaches according to their purpose because the end goal is different for everyone. Firms do it to attract customers to buy their products and services, students do it for research papers, and authors do it to bring quality to their books. The purpose of the essay is to transform the use of persuasion tactics.

If you are looking for examples and suggestions on picking a persuasive essay topic, we are here to assist you. In the following blog, we have listed some valuable persuasive essay examples and ideas to help you in your persuasive writing journey.

Outstanding Categorization of Persuasive Essays

Various types of persuasive essays are written for commercial and non-commercial purposes. We will discuss the categorization of persuasive essays along with their examples to make it easy for you to pick a topic of your expertise and choice.

Argumentative Essays

The main idea behind argumentative essays is to provide a new insight or present a new finding related to the existing research. In an argumentative essay, the writer must demonstrate a new perspective regarding research and statistics. It’s the most common type of persuasive essay assigned to students at the college and university level.

Argumentative essays deal with essays written to prove why a certain statement is true, explain something new to the existing research, disapprove of any idea or phenomenon, give a solid opinion based on personal research, and introduce the causes and effects of a specific problem.

Argumentative essays help establish the writer’s credibility and expertise in the field of research. It requires in-depth research to understand and consider different arguments. Students are mostly given these kinds of tasks to experiment with encountering different arguments and enhance their ability to analyze the statistics and make judgments.


  • Impact of Social Media on Mental Health of Youth.
  • Politics and Corruption Side by Side.
  • Why should nuclear power be banned?
  • Zoos: Torture cells or caretaking facilities for Animals.
  • Outdated forensic methods need to go.
  • Why should the Titanic wreckage be left alone?
  • Poverty and crime.
  • Discussion over the ethical conduct of students.
  • Animal testing should be banned.
  • Why is democracy a failure?
  • It’s the end of the victim-blaming era.
  • Laws that need to be abolished.
  • Why are people more likely to end up in jobs they hate?
  • Why does the workforce need more women in today’s era?

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Expository Essays

Expository means exposing or revealing something to grab your audience’s attention. Expository essays involve investigating an idea, gathering all the evidence, critically evaluating that idea based on facts and figures, checking its relatability, and finally making a judgment.

It’s a type of essay based on factual information and genuine evidence. Writers tend to persuade the readers of their conclusion on that specific topic. It also includes evaluating the existing evidence related to the particular statement. Some writers pick expository essays to disapprove or, highly approve, or even renovate an idea or research done years ago.

With the expounding of the topic and enough critical evaluation, expository essays challenge the existing findings and persuade the readers to trust new and improved findings. Following are some types, or you can say categories, of Expository essays:

  • Descriptive Essay: An Essay that describes an idea, a journey, a point of view over something, an experience, and a situation. For example, an essay discussing the artifacts excavated from an archaeological site.
  • Process Essay: An Essay that details how to do something or gives a step-by-step guide to perform a certain task. For example, a detailed essay on how to play rugby or how a space rocket works.
  • Comparison Essay: An Essay that is bound to compare at least two people, objects, ideas, parties, or professions. For example, a detailed essay comparing the artistic works of Van Gogh and Da Vinci using different criteria.
  • Causes and Effect Essay: An Essay pouring light on the causes and effects of major environmental, economic, and even mental problems faced by society. For example, an essay listing the causes of pollution and how it affects humankind.
  • Problem and Solution Essay: An Essay discussing problems and then giving proper solutions. For example, writing about social anxiety and how to overcome it.


  • Improvements are required in public transportation.
  • Understanding the psychology of serial killers.
  • What it was like to be at a BTS concert.
  • Technological advancement has long-term effects.
  • Why shouldn’t AI be appreciated?
  • PS5 or Gaming PC?
  • Pollution: The slow death of planet Earth.
  • Why don’t more men go on paternity leave?
  • Ultimate guide on how to enhance your child’s creativity?
  • How do music classes help students?
  • Humans are the reason for many animal extinctions.
  • Reasons for divorces that need more recognition.
  • Exploring Claude Monet’s water lily collection.
  • The history of Terracotta warriors.
  • Table Tennis versus Lawn Tennis.
  • How to write the perfect coursework?
  • Different styles to cook steak.

Discursive Essay

Discursive Essays might not be a very popular type of Persuasive essays, but they are crucial in various fields. In discursive essays, writers deal with different points of view on a certain topic and introduce the audience with new insights.

Most of the time, discursive essays are used to show the readers that there is another point of view of the existing study statements. Writing a discursive essay requires consideration of different points of view and the presentation of arguments from both sides. These essays always leave room for the audience to decide which point of view to trust and which idea is more relatable.

How do Discursive Essays differ from Persuasive Essays?

  • In discursive writing, the writer doesn’t have much to say in stating personal opinion. Writers don’t focus on persuading the audience to one specific topic but take the readers on a journey to explore different opinions.
  • An author of a discursive essay is just a guide to direct the audience towards different opinions and introduce them to what other researchers say and criticize about that topic.
  • It may not sound like much of an effort, but in reality, discursive essays require proper delivery and on-time execution of different points of view to make the facts clear to the audience.


  • Do energy drinks affect overall health?
  • Eight Hours of sleep: Yes or No
  • Chocolate: A healthy snack.
  • Is self-publishing a threat to traditional publishing?
  • How technology addiction is different from actual addiction.
  • Meditation for mental health
  • Final Debate: Money or Happiness
  • Advantages of Social media that surpass its disadvantages.
  • Does Recycling Actually Help the Environment?
  • Talent versus skills?
  • Da Vinci or Van Gogh
  • A detailed debate on the Death Penalty.
  • Caffeine advantages and disadvantages.
  • Bitcoins: Scam or a golden opportunity?
  • Dating apps are efficient in finding love or just a waste.
  • Does online presence matter for businesses?

Exegetical Essay

Exegetical Essays aim to explore and interpret a specific topic differently in contrast to what had been researched and said about it in the past. The main role of exegetical essays is to introduce the audience to a concept in a different and new approach. Due to its creative nature, exegetical essays are common in creative works such as, films, scripts, books, and photo media portfolio.

Exegetical Essays are mostly written to examine religious writings and historical evidence. Authors tend to interpret the words of different historical figures differently. This approach is also helpful in representing the misunderstood point of view and people in history. It allows the audience to understand and interpret the existing beliefs in a new light.

Writers must have broad knowledge, an understanding of different points of view, and enough research to become credible enough to talk about certain important topics. Exegetical essays are a great challenge because it takes a significant amount of work to change the audience’s view over something they believed for a long time.


  • An interpretation of Salvador Dali’s surrealism.
  • Loopholes of Great Greek mythology.
  • Cleopatra: A victim of evil itself
  • Interpretation of Jesus’s “Love your enemies” Statement.
  • Hades: A misunderstood God of the underworld.
  • Biblical references in a broader light.
  • Things you need to know about Mesopotamia
  • Ancient text with today’s interpretations
  • Code of Hammurabi: A Summary
  • Ted Bundy: Inside the psychology of a heartless coward.
  • Understanding the controversies of Alexander the Great.

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Persuasive essays are widely used as a great tool to persuade audiences for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Every persuasive essay serves a different purpose and explains various ideas and statements. Above mentioned categorization of persuasive essays in this blog are going to help in starting your persuasive writing journey effectively.


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