Poem Analysis Essay - R Frost and Rossetti's Poems
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Poem Analysis Essay – Robert Frost and Rossetti’s Poems

A poetry analysis essay is a frequently assigned task in university programs, particularly in literary and philological fields. Students are expected to possess a thorough understanding and the skills necessary for detailed analysis. The key to writing this essay well is to focus on the context. 

Based on the last two years’ survey results, 9.2 percent of adults, which is equivalent to 22.4 million individuals, engaged in reading poetry in the past year. This percentage is a slight increase when compared to the levels recorded in 2012 and 2008. Hence writing a poem analysis essay is a challenging task for many. 

What is a Poetry Analysis Essay

A poem analysis essay is the process of critically analyzing, understanding and evaluating every aspect of a particular poem from all angles. It involves the assessment of poetry’s structure, language, themes, imagery, symbolism, and poetic devices.

In addition to this, you deeply explore the tone and mood, voice and personas, context and background, and its intellectual, emotional, or sensory response.

Theme: The underlying intended message, point, or content of the poem.

Structure and Pattern: It includes rhyme scheme, meter, stanzaic pattern, sonnet, haiku, or free verse, etc.

Language: The poet’s word and term choice, diction, and figurative language. Linguistic devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, symbolism, etc.

Tone and Mood: How a poet’s overall attitude and perspective shape the entire tone and style of the poem. Of course, keeping punctuation marks rules and others in mind.

Poetic devices: The use of Alliteration, assonance, consonance, repetition, enjambement, or caesura.

Symbolism: Objects, elements, and actions used in the poem.

Context and Background: Context or background can be historical, cultural, biographical, etc.

Voice and Personas: These include the poet’s different perspectives, experiences, attitudes, etc.

Comparison of Poem Analysis Essay With Other Essays

AspectPoem Analysis Other Essays
Focus Poetic Devices Various Topics 
Structure Thematic Flow Logical Flow 
Evidence Textual Quotes Data or Examples 
Tone Interpretive Informative 
Thesis Interpretive Claim Central Argument 
Purpose Interpretation Argument 
ConclusionInsightful Summative 

Example of Analytical Essay on Poetry

an in depth critical analysis of the poem

Source: Poem Hunter

“ Title: “An In-depth Critical Analysis of the Poem “Remember” by Christina Rossetti”


In the poem “Remember” by Christina Rossetti, the author reminds the readers about the universal truth of a life that no one can deny. That is, one day, everybody will die and leave this world forever. However, he expressed his strong desire to be remembered by someone he loves. 

By reading this example of analytical essay on poetry, you must have the idea that this poem explores the theme and imagery of love, affection, loss, and a fear of being forgotten. By using emotional language and a thought-provoking tone and description, “Remember” recalls the intricacies of relationships and the temporary nature of life.

Body Paragraph 1


Rossetti uses strong figurative language and terms to convey the author’s expression and feeling of love and the fact of losing someone in this life. The phrase “the silent land” represents death and creates a sense of stillness and finality. The contrast between “sunlight” and “shadows” explains that life is temporary, emphasizing the speaker’s wish for their loved one to remember them after they are gone. Moreover, The use of terms such as “silent tears” and “sadness” reflects a picture of deep emotions, showing the intensity of what the speaker is feeling.

Body Paragraph 2

(Use of Emotional Tone, Voice, and Language while crafting poem analysis essay)

The example of analytical essay on poetry also tells us that the poem’s emotional language further intensifies the quest for love and loss. The word “remember” has been frequently used to emphasize the request to be remembered and express one’s long life. Moreover, the repetition of this word accentuates the speaker’s fear of being forgotten and how important it is for their loved one to hold on to their memory. Additionally, phrases like “gone far away” and “silent land” create a sense of distance and separation, making the emotional impact of the poem stronger.

Body Paragraph 3

Thoughtful Tone (structure of a poetry essay)

The author’s use of relevant symbols and poetic devices also escalates the tone and style for exploring love and loss. He recalls how their departure from this world will influence and impact the lives of their loved ones, showing both acceptance and hope. The line “Yet if you should forget me for a while” reveals the speaker’s awareness of the passing of time and the possibility that memories may fade. However, the last line focuses on a strong request to be remembered, demonstrating the fear of being completely forgotten. You must also take care of it while writing a poem analysis essay.


In “Remember,” Christina Rossetti creates an emotional tone of love, loss, and the fear of being forgotten. By drawing clear descriptions and emotional language, the author tries to demonstrate the complex yet temporary nature of the human relationship. 

The word “Remember” motivates readers to think about the importance of memories and the enduring power of love, even when faced with the reality of mortality.

Rossetti’s heartfelt portrayal of these themes resonates with readers, reminding us of the deep emotions that shape our lives.”

We have provided you a normal length analysis, but Literature students go for detailed research analysis, oftentimes they stay between 6000 to 7000 words. So while pondering how many pages is 6000 words for specific poet or genre based poems probe, don’t stress yourself and consider taking some legit help!

Poetry Analysis Essay Example 2

Here’s another example of an analytical essay on poetry or a poem analysis essay.

Title: “Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening” By Robert Frost


Here’s how the introduction para of a poem analysis essay will look like. The poem “Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost in 1922 describes the mesmerizing journey of the author, who takes a stopover in the woods lying in the forest on a snowy evening. Riding a horse while alone in the forest, Robert captures the essence of nature and a real-world human experience. Through a charismatic use of theme, imagery, symbolism, and poetic devices for solitude, duty, and morality, Forest tempts the readers to strike a balance between personal longing and obligations of life.

Body Paragraph Stanza 1

The poem starts with the speaker’s thinking of the ownership of the woods and the land he is passing through. The line “whose woods these are I think I know” demonstrates the speaker’s knowledge and familiarity with the surroundings and its owner. However, he quickly recalls that the the land’s owner resides in a nearby village, so he can trespass and have a respite in the woods without his knowledge; this thing adds the element of secrecy and solitude to the scene if the speaker stops and watches the fascinating snowfall on the woods and take a relief from the responsibilities of the world.

Body Paragraph Stanza 2 of Poem Analysis Essay

The second stanza starts with the author’s thinking about his companion’s “Horse” persecution. “My little horse thinks it queer”; the queer here means “strange or weird”. The speaker expresses his thoughts that his decision to stop in the forest, far from the human settlement, may have been seen as strange by his horse because his horse is accustomed to a busy life and stopping in the farmland. “To stop without a farmhouse near” emphasizes the isolation of location and solitude. The overall stanza underscores the contrast between the author’s desire to see and enjoy the natural beauty of snow falling and his societal obligation of taking the horse into the habitation and farmland.

Body Paragraph Stanza 3

The third stanza starts with the speaker’s expression about the horse’s feelings of unease and disturbance stopping in the winter landscape. “He gives his harness bells a shake, To ask if there is some mistake” demonstrates that the horse is shaking the bell to draw the speaker’s attention to if there is any misunderstanding or mistake in pausing at the wrong place. This highlights the horse’s sense of duty and responsibility to urge the owner about their societal obligations and move towards the right destination. Moreover, in the line “The only sound of the sweep”, the word “sweep” represents the cool breeze that is blowing and boosting the overall tranquility and stillness.

Body Paragraph Stanza 4

The poem’s last stanza concludes the speaker’s introspection about solitude, duty, and mortality. In this stanza, the author admires the natural beauty, peace and fascinating scenes of the winter landscape. However, in contrast, he also reminds his societal obligation and duties to perform instead of stopping in the forest and secretly enjoying the snow falling. The line “And miles to go before I sleep” has been used metaphorically to describe the speaker’s commitment to complete before taking any rest. Sums up the body paragraph of this poem analysis essay.


The poem ”Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost is a contemplative poem that emphasizes the introspection between solitude, duties, and allure of nature. It encourages the readers to have self-reflection and capture a contrast between personal desires and responsibilities of life.

13 Creative Tips On How to Write a Poetry Essay

These are some simple tips and tricks from the experts for writing a good poem analysis essay or crafting a good structure of a poetry essay.

  • Scan the title of the poem.
  • Read out the poem at least 3 times.
  • Develop your thesis statement that includes the main arguments and key ideas. 
  • Pay close attention to each word and line to efficiently interpret and understand the poet’s expressions, feelings, and the message to convey.
  • Examine the structure of the poem, such as rhyme scheme, meter, stanzaic pattern, etc. And elaborate on how these elements contribute to the overall impact of the poem.
  • Explore and analyze the poetic devices used by the poet, including metaphors, similes, and symbolism. In addition, critically assess how a poet has made muse of Alliteration, assonance, consonance, repetition and enjoyment. 
  • While writing a poem analysis essay, Identify the actions, objects, and elements that carry the symbolic meaning.
  • Scrutinize how context and background have been represented and how it aligns with the intended message and audience. The context can be cultural, historical, and biographical.
  • Closely analyze the use of different words and terms and try to extract the poet’s tone, style, and expression.
  • Highlight the strengths and weaknesses while doing poem analysis and suggest improvements by including your opinion. Elaborate on what it felt and how it evoked emotions.
  • Include evidence from the poem to support your ideas, opinions, and arguments.
  • Write a conclusion by reiterating your important points and central ideas.
  • Seek feedback, revise, and edit to bring perfection.

Related: Read a detailed guide on how to write an analytical essay in four simple steps to craft your poetry analysis essay perfectly.

Structure of a Poetry Essay: Template, Format, and Sample

This is the structure template for writing a good poem analysis essay.


  • The first step to learning how to write a poetry essay is to start with engaging words and statements to hook the readers and grab their attention.
  • Briefly introduce the title of the poem and its poet.
  • Succinctly describe the topic of your essay.
  • Put some historical or background data and information to make the context.
  • Highlight your thesis statement, which includes your main argument, key ideas, or questions that you will explore in the rest of the sections. 

Bonus Tip: The introduction of a poem analysis essay is the most important part, so always get online assignment writing help before you start.

Body Paragraphs

  • The body paragraphs shed light on different aspects and views of the poem.
  • Each body paragraph should focus on a single specific aspect of the poem that backs your thesis statement. One key structure of a poetry essay!
  • Always start each paragraph with a topic sentence that represents the main feature, facet, or view of that paragraph.
  • Include evidence from the poem, such as quotes, imagery, symbolism, poetic devices, etc, to support your analysis. 
  • Emphasize the provided evidence and elaborate on how it aligns with your main arguments and the overall meaning, themes, and poetic techniques of the poem.
  • Use transitional words and phrases in your poem analysis to efficiently connect the ideas and maintain a smooth structure.


  • Summarize and reiterate the main arguments discussed in the essay and restate your thesis statement of poem analysis essay.
  • Highlight the significance of your analysis and also discuss the poet’s and poem’s broader implications.
  • Never add any new data, points, or information that you did not include in the entire essay.
  • Leave the reader with thought-provoking questions.
  • Remember that the conclusion of poem analysis essay is just a summary or synthesis of your poem’s analytical essay. 

8 Common Challenges of Writing Poetry Analysis Essay

The analysis poem structure will let you know of the 8 common challenges of writing one. 

Dealing with Subjectivity

Subjectivity is one of the biggest challenges in writing a poem analysis essay because each reader has their own understanding and interpretation.

Understanding Poetic Devices

Poets use complex literary devices such as Alliteration, assonance, consonance, repetition, enjambement, caesura, metaphors, and figurative terms etc. So, assessing and analyzing these technical terms poses a significant challenge.

Ambiguity, Complexity and Symbolism

Poetry often contains complex imagery, multiple layers of meanings and symbolism. So deciphering their meanings and connecting them with the overall explanation requires close attention and critical thinking for poem analysis essay.

Providing Evidence

Finding relevant evidence, such as examples, scenes, quotes, and lines from the poem to support your aspect, is a difficult task. In addition to this, explaining how your evidence aligns and backs a particular argument is also an arduous task.

Emphasizing Analysis, Not Description

The purpose of writing poetry analysis essays or poem analysis essay is to dissect and critically analyze the poem from all angles. It does not require you to summarize and describe the content of the poem itself simply. 

Explaining Abstract Concepts

Poets use abstract terms and concepts to express their feelings and emotions. So, articulating these emotions in an analytical essay is quite a challenging task. 

Following Standard Structure and Format

Analysis poem structure requires following a proper style, outline, and format. Writers find them in a fix to bind them as per the specific style and structure. 

Ensuring Smooth Transitions

Connecting different ideas and views throughout the essay is most important for smooth transitions. Failing so can lead to a misunderstanding of the interpretation. 

One of the students Shared a Personal Experience!

I know how challenging it can be to deal with a poem analysis essay as a student. Understanding abstract concepts in such a task was a nightmare for me. I remember spending days trying to decode some poetic phrases, and then writing an essay was a tough job to tackle as well. Other things were my attention span. I am an artistic soul so in class I get bored occasionally while getting the same traditional lectures, as I was looking for something so out of the box.

Anyway, I preferred a few things to do when bored in class and put my key focus well on the context and pay close attention to other details a poet has used in figurative objectives and more. Continuous practice: making numerous mistakes when crafting my initial drafts made me write a high-scoring piece.

Poem Analysis Essay Quick Outline Recap and Example


  • Hook Statement
  • Title of the poem and author’s name
  • Background data and information
  • Thesis Statement

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence
  • Analysis and interpretation
  • Supporting evidence
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Paragraph 2

  • Topic sentence
  • Analysis and interpretation
  • Supporting evidence
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Paragraph 3

  • Topic sentence
  • Analysis and interpretation
  • Supporting evidence
  • Transition to the next paragraph


  • Thesis restatement 
  • Summary of the main arguments and key points
  • Thought-provoking statement or question

19 Top-Notch Poem Analysis Essay Topics Ideas

  • Exploring the effectiveness of themes and symbolism in the poem “The Rain” by William Henry Davies.
  • An in-depth critical analysis of the themes of sacrifice, duty, and complexities of patriotism in the poem “The Patriot ” by Robert Browning.
  • Examining the imagery of dreams, context, and the figurative language in the poem “Dream” by Langston Hughes.
  • The assessment of rhyme scheme, meter, pattern, and haiku in the poem “To His Coy Mistress” by Andrew Marvell. 
  • The exploration of the emotional, intellectual, and sensory response to the poem “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The cultural and historical representation of Pakistan with neem tree: In-depth understanding of the poem “The Neem Trees’ by Mrs Jahanara Imam.
  • The evaluation of the portrayals of poetic devices to symbolize Iqbal’s vision, wisdom, and contributions to the independence movement of Pakistan. The poem “Allama Iqbal” by Mustafa Zaidi.
  • Critiquing the employment of Alliteration, assonance, consonance, and repetition in the poem “The Ballad of Puran Bhagat ” by Rudyard Kipling.
  • Investigating the personification of the relationship between senselessness and the tragedy of war in the poem “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy.
  • Exploring the fleeting nature of power and the destruction of a once mighty statue in the poem “Ozymandias” by Bysshe Shelley.
  • A critical analysis of the poet’s choice of figurative language, tone, voice, and persona in “The Solitary Reaper” by William Wordsworth.
  • The evaluation of the spirituality and religious thematic devices in the poem “The Tyger” by William Blake.
  • The analysis of enjambment of caesura in the poem “Tonight I Can Write” by Pablo Neruda.
  • The thematic exploration of love, expressions, and desires in the poem “Tonight I Can Write” by Pablo Neruda
  • The portrayals of war and its adversarial impacts on humanity in the poem “Attack” by Siegfried Sasson. 
  • Exploring the vision of a poet for an ideal society that encompasses fearlessness, broader mind, equality, and prevalence of truth in the poem “Where the Mind is Without Fear” by Rabindranath Tagore.
  • The portrayals of contemplation and temptation in snowy forest and solitude in the poem “Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening” by Robert Forest.
  • Probing the imagery and theme of women’s empowerment and independence in the poem “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath.
  • Understanding the inherent relationship of nature and human emotions in the poem “Ode to a Nightingale” by Johns Keats. 

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Final Thoughts on How to Write Poem Analysis Essay

Analysis of poem structure or writing a poem analysis essay is the process of critically analyzing and evaluating every aspect of the poem at hand. It is also called a poetry analysis essay in which students have to assess the structure, language, themes, imagery, symbolism, and poetic devices used by the speakers. 

Writing a short critical analysis essay requires following a proper structure, outline, format and template. So, all these constraints compel students to take help from us that guides them craft a compelling and impactful poetry analysis assignment. Hopefully, these guidelines were helpful in letting students know how to write a poetry essay.


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