5 Stages of Writing Process You Should Definitely Know
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5 Stages of Writing Process You Should Definitely Know

Have you ever wondered what it takes to write effectively? Indeed, it’s more complex than just putting fingers on the keyboard (or pen to paper). There are five stages that every writer goes through before they come up with something their readers would enjoy.

They include prewriting, writing, editing, publishing, and marketing. Fear not, as we are sure you’ll be familiar with each one as you get to the end of this blog. So, without further ado, let’s get down to finding out the answer to the five stages of the writing process. 

What are the 5 Stages of Writing Process

Searching What are the 5 stages of writing process? Here’s everything you need to know.


Prewriting is the most crucial step in the writing process. It can be described as a plan you create before you start writing your paper. The prewriting plan includes research, thesis statement, and other parts of your paper. It also includes determining your target audience.

The first stage of your writing process is the introduction. It is where you state your problem, thesis, or main idea and what it means for your readers. So for the main idea sentence, we have a thesis statement generator that can work for you at this stage. You can also include an outline of essential points in this paper. It is very important for all stages of writing when you are working on a research paper. 

You must plan out what kind of information you want to write about and how it will be structured before starting on your essay or article, because once written, there is no going back. If you find yourself struggling with organization, try using an outline or mind map to organize all those ideas floating around in your head into something more manageable and readable by others.

Don’t worry if it isn’t perfect immediately – just get started!

When creating a prewriting plan, the first thing to do is to determine what kind of paper this should be: Is it a marketing assignment? Narrative piece? Compare and contrast Essay? Once figured out, start brainstorming key points explicitly related to each section.

Researching and Writing

The second step is research. You need to know as much about your topic as possible before starting the writing process because everything that follows will be based on what you’ve learned.

For example, if there’s an area of study that interests you, but you still need to gain more knowledge about it, then you’ll have plenty of time between now and when you begin working on the project by researching other topics within its field. It will also give more background knowledge for whatever else comes up during the latter half of our piece. 

In this one of the crucial stages of writing, go for collecting relevant information from various sources. You can also divide the collected data and distribute information based on what you have written. Moving on to the writing part. First, go with crafting your first draft and then get to the revising part. Writing is also an excellent time to reflect on what you’ve learned so far about your topic and ensure you’re still on track with your research.


The third stage of good writing is the editing stage. Editing is the process of revising your work. It’s one of the essential parts of the writing process, but it can also be time-consuming and tedious.

Sometimes it can be downright terrifying if you need help deciding what to change or how to improve your story. While editing, pay good attention to the body paragraphs of your piece. They should be at least 3–4 sentences long and be about a single idea or topic.

Also, focus on the sentence structure of the write-up. Hence, you could clearly explain how you arrived at your conclusion in a blog or something else.

Doing so, just keep a keen eye on the word count. 

In addition to being longer than sentences of other stages, body paragraphs include a topic sentence and supporting sentences. The transitional sentence is also another essential part of this stage: it helps connect one sentence to another by using solid verbs or linking words like “however” or “moreover.”

Plus, it also improves the sentence structure of your essays or any task. Not to forget that you also learn about spelling errors, punctuation errors, or grammatical errors in the write-up. For this, the free grammar checker with premium functions will come in handy.

If editing isn’t just for writers in all stages of writing, who does it benefit? Everyone! Whether you’re writing a novel or an essay, editing helps ensure that your writing is clear and easy to understand by its intended audience. The editing stage also helps ensure that nothing unnecessary has been included in your essays and assignments. 

Conclusion & Publishing

The conclusion should be a summary of the main points. It should be short, but not too short. For most write-ups, a conclusion is what makes all the difference. You can use a paragraph or two to summarize your thesis and restate it in a few sentences.

If you have an ending that isn’t clear enough for readers to know what they’re supposed to do with the information in your blog post or paper, then you need to rework it to make sense!

A conclusion is a chance for you to summarize the main points of your argument and make a final statement about what you’ve learned. Publishing is the process of making your writing available to others. It’s done in several ways: for free or for a fee, online or in print, and by you or someone else.

For example, one way to publish your writing is to post it on an open-access blog such as Medium or Wattpad. You can also self-publish an e-book through platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing that allow you to sell books directly from your website.

In some cases, you might want help with the publishing process so that you don’t have to do all the work yourself.

For example, if you want professional editing services before releasing any content publicly on a blog site like WordPress or Blogger, you can proceed with hiring a freelancer for this purpose who specializes in those types of services. 

From the drafting stage or drafting process to the editing process and then the revising process, you have learned important stages of the writing process. Hold on, there’s still one left.


Marketing is the final step in the writing process, but it’s also one of the most important. This stage involves everything from marketing your book to readers and reviewers, building social media buzz, and finding new opportunities for exposure as a published author.

When marketing your book, think beyond sales pitches and traditional advertising methods. Think about how you can connect with your audience emotionally and build relationships with them through social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. You can see how marketing worldwide is changing and impacting different fields.

By letting people know who you are and what makes your work unique, they’ll be more likely to support you by buying copies of your books or recommending them to friends who might like them.

We hope you have a good answer to what are the 5 stages of the writing process. Pretty sure you must have a good time reading the step by step guide of the writing process. Let’s now read some tips for writing effectively. 

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Some Tips and Tricks Regarding Stages of Writing 

As a writer, you have many options. You can write what you know or take on the challenge of writing on a topic that is entirely new to you. You can choose to write in the first person or third person.

You can make your sentences short and sweet, or they can be so long that they make readers’ eyes glaze over. But whatever approach works best for your content and audience, these are some best practices for writing assignments or essays effectively.

Write in the Third-Person Style

The third person is a helpful way to write a story because it allows you to keep your distance from the characters, who can’t be seen as real people but as fictional entities. It can help you avoid bias and make your writing more objective. 

In all stages of writing, when using this voice, you should use pronouns such as “he,” “she,” and “it.” You will also want to consider using “they,” since some authors prefer this over using multiple pronouns throughout their work. Finally, if there is only one character in your story, consider using the pronoun “one” instead of another personal pronoun like ‘I’ or ‘we.’

Use an Active Voice

The active voice is more direct and concise than the passive, which tends to use lots of words that add little meaning. Active sentences are also more engaging. They put you, the reader, directly into the action rather than just watching from a distance.

So in all stages of writing, make sure the content is not in passive voice and follow the steps to write in active voice to make a direct impact. Finally, using an active voice helps keep your sentences short. When you write in the passive voice, there are often multiple adjectives before you get to who did what. 

Don’t Overuse Exclamation Points and Question Marks

Don’t put an exclamation point at the end of your sentence unless you’re trying to be sarcastic or ironic. The same goes for question marks: they should be used sparingly and only when something important is being asked or said.

And remember that if you do use them, they should be placed inside quotation marks, not outside them. It will show that they belong to someone else’s words rather than yours.

Avoid Using Slang, Jargon and Abbreviations

Slang: “I am going to the bank this afternoon.” Instead, write, “I’m going to the bank this afternoon.”

Jargon: “My boss has been on my case all day.” Instead, write, “My boss has been giving me a hard time all day.”

Abbreviations: “We need to meet ASAP about the project deadline.” Instead, write all those words in full: “We need to meet as soon as possible about our project’s deadline.”

You will keep an eye on such statements during your main stages of writing!

Paragraphs Should Be No More than Five or Six Sentences

Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, which is the main idea of that paragraph. Each paragraph should have a clear structure, with each supporting sentence building on the previous one and contributing to your overall argument or thesis statement. It doesn’t matter if you are writing a rough draft or a final draft. 

Each paragraph should focus on one main idea. If there are multiple points you want to make in a single paragraph, it’s better to break them up into separate paragraphs instead of trying to cram all those ideas into one big block of text.

Remember to proofread!

In the last stages of writing do remember to proofread! A good rule of thumb is to read your work out loud and then have a friend or colleague proofread it.

You can also check for grammatical errors and use the best spell checker and standard dictionary to ensure that you haven’t made any mistakes. If possible, get someone who knows the subject matter well enough to see if any gaps or holes in your argumentation need filling in before submitting your final draft.

Quick overview of tips to write effectively

Avoid overusing exclamation points and question marks, which can make your writing sound too emotional or unsure. They can also be annoying to read when used repeatedly or unnecessarily!

Instead, try using action verbs and descriptive phrases to express what you’re trying to say without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.

For example: “The cat ran around the yard happily” versus “I am so happy right now!” You can practice this well in your rough draft. 

Avoid slang, jargon, and abbreviations when possible; they may not be familiar enough for some readers who don’t use them regularly.

Even if they do understand them from personal experience with a particular group of people, it’s still best practice not to assume that everyone knows what these terms mean. It is because because each individual’s experience varies greatly depending on where she grew up/goes to school/lives now, etc.

Now Follow All Stages of Writing Carefully

The writing process is an integral part of any author’s career. Marketing and publishing can be easier to achieve with a solid writing process. It also ensures that your book is the best it can be before publication. Writing is a process that takes time, but it can be fun and rewarding.

The five stages of the writing process illustrate the different steps involved in writing a book or article. We’ve looked at each stage of the writing process in detail.

Hopefully, you now better understand what goes into each phase of your project!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 stages of the writing process?

The five stages of writing process are:

  • Prewriting
  • Researching & Writing
  • Editing
  • Conclusion & Publishing
  • Marketing

What are the best ways to write effectively?

These are some tips and tricks to write effectively:

  • Write in the third person
  • Use an active voice
  • Take time to edit and proofread the final piece

What is writer's block?

It is the state or condition when a writer gets tangled about what to write or how to proceed with writing.

How to pick a good topic for research?

Here's how you can go with choosing a topic for research:

  • Go for something that sparks your interest
  • Ensure your topic is relevant
  • Keep the topic in focus when researching and collecting information
  • Make sure to collect enough credible evidence to support your point of view

What are the effective brainstorming techniques?

The following are the most common brainstorming techniques:

  • Free-writing
  • Listing
  • Mind-mapping
  • Comparing
  • Describing


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